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Armageddon--No Cheats This Time!!! The Infection Continues

In my earlier blogs I've stated that I've overran U.K. with the assistance of U.S. Forces which I turned into an Axis nation using cheat.

This time, there is no such a cheat!! No U.S. intervention, and in early-mid 1941 I've made the careless Hitler not to invade U.S.S.R. So Germany and Soviet Union kept it cool. With U.S. too, we have a relation of +120. Japan kept herself busy with the Nationalist China and the so-called Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis hadn't been signed yet.

The result is the following:

Operation Benvernichten: London Overran

What's more, suddenly Iraqi Revolutionaries rebel to their British puppeteers, which in turn brought out another new front: The Middle Eastern Front. Syria and Iraq are now officially part of the Axis.

In the next two years from this point, I aim to launch Operation Freiheitauslöschen. Maybe I'll post another blog later.

Oh yeah, the game difficulty and A.I. aggressiveness are both at normal level.