In the jungle of despair Nintendo has entangled us in, a couple games seem to shine:
^^ Fragile looks promising. Very promising. I don't particularly like JRPGs, but I'm a sucker for post-apocalyptic settings. Let's wait and see.
^^ Disaster: Day of Crisis should it ever be released seems to be something new. From this screen it even seems to feature cover mechanics (^_^) Hopefully we'll hear about it soon.
On the other hand, I have to confirm my impression on the two Star Wars games: Force Unleashed and Lightsaber Battles. While the Wii port of SWTFU looks like a completely different game from the 360 version, but still appears decent...
...Lightsaber Battles looks like a (bad) PS1 game, I smell a very lousy product. See for yourself:
Yuck... Better think about Fragile...