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Ironic Episodes (Part. 1)

Why is it that so many women just don't tell you what's wrong?


Is it because they want the attention that being silent brings? Maybe they feel cheated because their partner is more focused on the problem than them, but how can someone be focused on a problem and NOT be focused on it at the same time?


It almost seems all woman commit this atrocity at least once in their estrogen dominated lives. It's rare for some, every FREAKING day for others, but at least it varies in intensity.

Can you feel that?

That knawing phatom pain that develops whenever it seems that woman your dealing with just seems impossible and no matter how hard you try, communcation seems like a taking a Mormon missionary mission to the moon.

I'm feeling that right now. Oh just utterly raping me. It's not going away either, not from repeatedly bashing my thick skull against my milk-white plaster walls. Nor does the haze of black rum and vodka dimish it in the slightest.

Goddammit! Why didn't she just say something?!


I mean, she gave all this crap of me neglecting her and crud. What the hell is she talking about? We've talked on the phone every two days, I've freakin counted. I make sure that wherever we go out she has a good time and I push my overwhelmingly selfish needs to the side.

She has the gall to say that we should have done something last weekend; my dad was in the hospital for a recurring stroke and I stayed their for all of Saturday and most of Sunday. I got home at sometime in the afternoon on Sunday, completely drained; both physically and emotionally. How can she really expect me just spring back like a freaking goat or something and just keep on going. I'm not that disgustingly pink bunny that will not die.

So, of course I'm wondering why she really decided to feed all this crap now. I'm going to find out and then we'll see just what kind of diabolical, more than likely morally questionable acts are being commited beneath my all-seeing gaze.