Look at that bugger in that picture, he was laughing until I put a line through his face, take that you dickhead). Look I don't mean to have a go at these creature but they are man's greatest enemy, remember 'Lost' when Kate see that horse on the island, the same one that caused a car crash. That right, that bugger caused a car crash, one that killed some cops, not only that, when Charile was having these dream everyone thought he on drugs and insane but when Kate sees a horse in the jungle, on an island, everyone believed her, look how it turned everyone aganist him, that dickhead!
But other than tourmenting people horses are usless, In fact the idea that they would used the horse toy in the 'Beast Wars' cartoon (my favouite cartoon as a kid) was laughed at, the guy who came up with that idea was fired, then put on the 'Beast Manchines' team, he ruined up the sequal to 'Beast Wars' (The Rat didn't even have a gun! and there was a transforming plant! How wired was that!) If you want proof that theres was no horses in 'Beast Wars', I have it. The horse would of been on the 'Maximals' because his toy showed him to be a maximal but when I bring up a pic of them:
In fact shall I tell you what I see:
- AÂ Tiger
- A cat which name I can't spell
- AÂ Dinosuor
- A rat
- A bird
- A Rhino
- An Ape
Do I see a horse? No! In fact there are more Maximals added, none of them a horse, they were cooler like a wolf/bird hybrid, a Mante Ray (who was my faviotue Maximal next to Dinobot), A spider joined them later, and that tiger and bird later come back as a hybrid after been shot into space and turned into a transmetal! But still no horse! Want to know why, because they would of been crap. It would of gone the lines of this
"Don't worry Boss, I charge into Megatron, with a one horse Stamped. Who needs guns? I'm a horse"
30 seconds later Megatron kills him, what a watse of pologons and animtors time. I hope his death was painful!
The Superman Effect
Every body knows Supermans weakness, Kyropyinte. But not everyone knows his other one, horses. That right horses killed the 'Man of Steel'. Now Super man is not my favouite hero (I don't like him at all) but when I was a Kid he was the greatest. I have never forgave the horses for what they did to my young childhood hero
That is the frame in which Superman (Christopher Reeve) died because of the evil of horses, he forght and loss. Luckly the paramedics brough him back to life but he was crippled, but in the face of it all, Superman keept on fighting believing that one day he would walk. Sadly that time did not come, even though Christopher manage to regain control of his toes and feel pain in his legs he never managed to walk again. Sadly he died of a heart attck. It belive to be caused form the bone marrow he recived, amd all this started by a horse.
^A great man.
This is what the horses are plannng, just like Superman the moment you go on a horse they will be plaining to make the next (and final) 10 years of hell, slowing building up hope before there evil plan comes into action. THis is seen in horse racing, when the horse seems to "just" fall over. They are evil. Don't be killed like Superman. Don't go near a horse unless you're going to kill it.
10 Other reason why I hate horses and you should to.
- They crap anyway they like and don't clean up
- They have ugly mugs
- They didn't help the Polish well in World War Two
- they think there greater than me and you (which is not ture)
- Animal lovers think there endangered or some sort of crap like that
- They stopped people believe Charile in 'Lost'
- They Kick like girls
- They're turned into dog food, I hate dogs!
- I don't see them help clean the enviroment seeing as it so important to them!
- They mock me behind my back
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