Well ladies and gents, what a painful two days I had, as well as the days in the holidays. Seeing that my back is out of action for the last few days, I might as well tell you the long story of my back...
A long time ago in a bedroom not so far from the toilet... BACK WARS Ep. 1, The Phantom Chair. All right back to the real world. Well it started about five years ago when my dad gave me a blue computer chair to use for homework (and for playing games). Well at first I sat on it how you should, on your ass, but then sat on the bit just above the ass with the feet on the table. I started to notice a pain in that area above the ass which stayed for a gew seconds. But for the years to come thats how it was until the day before my birthday.
Ep.2..Attack off.. O.k I won't do it. Any way it was my birthday party so a group of my friends (and my little brother) went bowling. Everything was fine until I picked up the shoes. All for years of above-ass-mistreatment had just started is wrath as when I picked up that pair of shoes, "Ouch". Oh God year of rest on my lower back and one twisted of the back and I have to get my little bro to do my laces on my shoes for me. Any way, I'm up first with it being my party and I couldn't bend over to pick up the bowling ball. When I did I couldn't throw it. I chose to sit out of the bowling and watch as the three friend (I did chose five because my mum said I could but two couldn't come and I lost everyone else phone number) and my brother play. One of my friend did help but I come back to it later. As I watch the highlight of the day was my friend losing to my little brother and Halo2_king, the self claimed 'king of all sports' coming last. Any way lunch came and my friend didn't help me on bit. I'm in pain and all they can think of was lunch. We got home with me lying on the sofa and playing Wario Ware and my friend who got upset because he said I was cheating because I took his are on the space level. (Well that the Idea). Well the next day was my birthday (the big 15) and it was hell.
Anyway on the 10 th January (my little brothers birthday) I was in PE. Five people in our group because of GCSE ICT study leave and I just do my back in. Well I can tell you plastic chairs don't help with a bad back but I got a good seat in DT. Great. I took to day off watching the BBC house trash or watching trash on itv. I also did a little bit of DT work but my backs in pain. And can anyone tell me how to do the graveyard level in 4 sword when your back is pain. God I couldn't stand losing with my back O.K, how do you think its going to be with it in pain. Now I got freezing cream on ass which feels like an iceberg and It also feels like I did a liquid Number 2 in my ass.
Well let this be a lesson to you and sit on your chairs how there meant to be sat on.