Mega Man Universe
Maverick(イレギュラーIregyurā?,Irregularin Japan)is a term given to Reploids and Mechaniloids that are a threat to humans, which can be caused by errors, viruses, reprogramming, or even by their own free will upon deciding that humans are too weak to live. They are usually countered by application of superior firepower to a fatal degree, and the Maverick Hunterswere formed to enact this.
System Wars
Maverick(イレギュラーIregyurā?,Irregularin Japan)is a term given to Fanboys and Fakeboys that are a threat to the logically thinking, which can be caused by brand loyalty, blindness, inability to comprehend basic logic, or even by their own free will upon deciding that non-mavericks are too unconfrontational. They are usually countered by application of superior posting or mod power to a fatal degree, and the Mods were formed to enact this.