Blackfang Blog
Xbox 360, I hate you! No! Wait! I'm sorry, baby. Please come back!
by Blackfang on Comments
A haiku:
Oh, why did you break.
I wanted to play more games
Where is my receipt.
by Blackfang on Comments
Is it just my imagination, or are a lot of games that we get these days broken?
Maybe its my fault for using Gamefly...but...whenever I check out the game I'm having issues with online, everyone else seems to be sharing my issues.
...are there not enough of us gamers to go around that they can't test these games first? Bah...
I've lost that epic feeling....
by Blackfang on Comments
I think thats why the new FFXII and Zelda: Twilight Princess weren't as good as their predessesors.
Go Gummi!
by Blackfang on Comments
I love Kingdom Hearts 2. I think that although there aren't as many RPGs as there used to be, we've been lucky to get the quality of RPGs that have been released recently.
Dance Dance Competition
by Blackfang on Comments
I wish I could Dance
by Blackfang on Comments
I made level 4 today...for some sad reason, that seems like an accomplishment to me. I want to get to level 6, so I can write reviews for games. Must...keep...visiting...forums...
I need to play more Dance Dance. If I could only find people in my area who play Dance Dance. Hell, at this point, I'd love to find people in my area who enjoyed video games.
It might happen soon though, since I just got a job at...Blockbuster! No, its not a video game store, per say...but its the next best thing!
Cao Cao is here for your first born
by Blackfang on Comments
OK, I know Cao Cao is supposed to be the bad guy...but you have to give the man respect! He does what it takes to get the job done. Determined and intelligent.
Not like those stupid 'Three Brothers'. Stupid goody-two-shoes.
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