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Metal Gear Online!

If you have Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence, and play MGO on the European servers, add Blaggers to your friend list =D

MGS cutscenes

Currently downloading EVERY cutscene from MGS Twin Snakes, Sons of Liberty and Snake Eater. 6.52 gb for the lot O_O

Wii preorder!

Pre-ordered a Wii with Zelda and Red Steel the other day. Unfortunately, I won't get it launch day because it's a Christmas present =( But still, only a few more months of waiting. Got an A* for my chav speech (edited to be less violent), and had to perform it at the school open evening. 37 out of 40 baby! Been trying to get 100% in GTA for the PSP, but I'm only at 55% right now =( Anyway, catch you all later Tom


I'm on level 4, and I've been made officer of two unions. UK Wii price tomorrow, I hope it's not a penny over £150 and I hope that it'll be released before Christmas.

Why Chav Slaying Should Be Legalised

A persuasive speech I had to write for my English class (I chose the topic, obviously). Please rate. ________________________ My friends: let me ask you a question. How often have you been walking down the street, minding your own business and not bothering anybody, when a tracksuit clad twit shoves his way past you with his shoulder and glares at you with his expressionless, cow-like eyes as though you’re in the wrong? Or how often have you been on the bus, when a cap-wearing cretin throws some of his chips at you, laughs and openly talks to his “mates” about how “well hard” he is? If so, you have been the victim of a chav attack. Chavs are a plague on our nation; a scar on the face of Great Britain. These days, it isn’t safe to set foot outside your home, because chavs own the streets, and will find you within seconds. Seventy eight percent of British people have had their lives ruined by chavs, and one of them just so happens to be a very good friend of mine. I will protect his anonymity by referring to him as Timmy, and will now share his story with you. Timmy had the perfect life; he got good marks at a fantastic school, he had an excellent group of loyal and dedicated friends and a loving family. Until one cruel Christmas Eve… The whole family had gone to bed with promises of a fantastic Christmas Day. Timmy tried to get to sleep, but he just couldn’t resist He was downstairs, playing with his new toy fire engine, when he suddenly smelt burning. He went to the bottom of the stairs and cried out as he watched the raging inferno of fire swallow up the entire top floor of his house. Hours later, as he sat in the burnt wreckage of his home sobbing softly, a fireman came and sat down next to him, draping an arm over his shoulder. “Son,” he said, “the fire that killed your parents and your sister was started…. By a chav.” Months later, Timmy’s aunt took him camping to try and help him get over this horrible tragedy. But late at night, they heard awful rap music and swearing coming from the nearby woods. “What’s that, Auntie?” asked Timmy. “It sounds like…. Chavs” his aunt hoarsely replied. It wasn’t long before they heard the vile creatures scratching at the tent walls. “Listen, Timmy”, his aunt said to him. “No matter what you hear, don’t leave the tent. Do you understand?” She picked up a torch, took a deep breath, and stepped into the night air to face the chavs. Her screams shortly pierced the air, and she dropped her torch, silhouetting the scene outside against the tent wall. All Timmy could see were dark, demonic shapes pouncing on the deathly still form of his only remaining family member. How can we let chavs get away with this? On the one hand, they’re having some playful fun, burning down houses and stabbing other members of society. On the other, they’re a force of pure evil, forged in the fires of hell from the very essence of Satan himself. It is not long before the small groups of chavs link up to become one army of darkness, and then what is to stop them from taking over the world? Chavs must be stopped. But how to stop them? Their only fear is that they will one day be caught “riding dirty”, so scare tactics clearly aren’t going to work. Every chav is armed with a mobile phone, so luring them into buildings with offers of cheap pirate DVDs and then trapping them won’t be successful, as they’ll call for backup. So what solution is there, you might ask? Therein lies the rub. Chavs procreate far too much, and there is no chav over the age of thirteen without a toddler stumbling after him. Chav babies, or chavlings, contribute nothing to the gene pool, yet they still keep giving and giving. So how can we end their unwanted donations? It’s simple, my friends; we slay all the chavs in the land. Weaker beings will question us. “Ooh, but chavs are people too,” the filthy cowards will say. But I say chavs are not people! They are a menacing mythical creature, much like the dragon or the ogre. And we must destroy these monsters before it is too late. Do you really want your children and your grandchildren to grow up in a world entirely operated by chav gangs? Of course not! So let us march to parliament, and make chav killing legal. The new law could even let other convicted murderers off the hook. If it transpires that their victims were actually chavs, then these valiant martyrs shall be set free, and will join our crusade for all that is good. So come, friends. Let us pick up a pistol, a chainsaw, a katana sword or an inflatable Jade Goody, as we chant, “Slay the chavs! Slay the chavs! SLAY! THE! CHAAAAAVS!”

What happened to manners?

Jesus Christ, I swear that mankind is slowly devolving. One of the most basic components of society, common courtesy, has been all but eradicated, and it makes for a very bleak and depressing existence. For example, to earn money, I have a job delivering leaflets for a cleaning company. It's not the best job, but it pays well. But you wouldn't believe how soul destroying it is when you meet people coming out of their houses. One man with his door open made a waving gesture with his hand as I got near the porch. I was slightly taken aback, and after that one second, he said "Know what that means? It means GET OUT!" Then, an old lady watering her plants asked me what the leaflet was for. I said "It's for a cleaning company". Without saying another word, she picked up her watering can and walked inside her house, slamming the door. With examples such as above, however, I can sympathise to some degree. I too get annoyed when complete rubbish printed in pigeon English on loo roll comes through my letterbox, but a nice glossy leaflet for a cleaning service should surely be met with more tolerance? I've also been mugged and assaulted, both on different occasions. Now, you may argue that these are isolated incidents, but when they happened in the space of three months and when I'm good friends with OTHER people who've been mugged, it's easier to appreciate that it's getting out of hand. I'll end with this; if you accidentally knock into somebody on the bus or in the street, say 'sorry'. That one word separates you from the Neanderthals who plague our world like a flesh eating virus. Blaggers


Hey hey. I'm Blaggers... Obviously. I'm 14 years old, and my real name is Tom Blagden, which is where the nickname comes from. I'm very into video games across a range of platforms, and own a Gamecube, GBA, PSP, PS2 and DS. In terms of next gen, I'm planning on getting a 360 and a Wii, but not a PS3, as it is very likely that it will bomb. My favourite games include Metal Gear Solid, Black, GTA, Zelda, Super Smash Bros, Mario, Hitman, Burnout and Jak and Daxter. I also love playing old skool games like Pac-Man and Sonic. I suppose there was no point in me writing all of the above, as only one person will end up reading it (me, checking for errors). So... Yeah. Blaggers