Okay, okay. Everybody sticks with one console type/company: these days it's Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo. Frankly, I hate the Wii, but am I going on the Wii forums and bashing it because it only has a 2 gigahert processor? No. In fact, I think Nintendo is very brave for trying to innovate. Heck, they've made one of the first steps towards a virtual reality console! I currently own a 360 and have had no problems with it, but I also plan to buy a PS3. However, I am waiting 3-6 months for Sony to work out the bugs. Whenever buying a console, you always wait 3-6 months after the launch, even if the cmpany offers a warranty. But ths is my two bits I'd like to put in: Buy a 360 and a PS3. WHAT?! Spend $1000 on video game consoles? Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? Well, get a job. No offense. If you are under 15 still, go around the neighborhood, wash cars, walk dogs, babysit. You will be amazed at how much money you can make if you work at it.
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