As this current genertion sort of comes to a close and people get ready to move on I thought i woulod write a little post about my personal experience with the current generation of consoles, your experience may of course vary.
XBox 360: To me really the real winner of the generation even though it didn't sell in Japan and almost everyone had to have thiers fixed at least once. I did not buy it at launch and think I waited a good year till I did. Memory is a little shoddy but I think I paid over $400 for it because it was bundled with some some. Mine has broke once and I had to pay $100 to get it fixed which of corse is lame.More lame is that it does not play Halo Reach and I would have to pay yet more money to make it. Even wit that I think it had the best games and or had the best running versions in the case of multiplatform. The controller is also the best even with a crappy dpad.
Wii: The oddball system that I think still to this day out sold its' competition in this generation ironically though on the back of a packed in game more than anything that being Wii Sports. That being said I still don't feel it won the generation becausewhile a lot of people bought it not many bought much more for it. I actually bought quite few games for it but honestly Nintendo's own stuff almost exclusively worked the best with the controller. Speaking of the controller I think it easily wins as Nintendo's worst designed controller from both a technical and general design standpoint. Easily the most frustrsting thing about the system you have a wierd design with not so great control layout,it eats batteries for breakfast and is even worse with the plus attachment, is not very accurate and often loses connection, not mention you will lose your pointer unless you have infinate strength on your arm to keep it up at all times which nobody does or can though i am sure someone will lie and say that they don't have this problem. I actually own quite few games for this system but most are Nintendo's since most other company's games on it stink. Though ultimately the system has served me best as Gamecube since i did not own one I bought a lot of that systems games and played it on the Wii. I like baackwards compatibility honestly and am sorry to see it being thrown away in favor of making you pay to play your old games over and over. Can yoy say rip off? So once againthough we see another generation of Nintendo's choices in design affecting the true overall success of the machine that would be 3 in a row by the way with the Wii U looking already to make it a 4th and maybe thier worst outing yet.
PS3: Uhg..what can you say about the PS3. It wasn't really a bad system at all but really just a combination of Sony arrogance combined with poor descions made when th timing for them couldn't have been worse such as the economic state and trying to sell a system at $600. A lot of money to pay for system that mostly had inferior versions of games on it. Sony's own stuff or the company's they chose to support ultimately made the best stuff but to me this system was the biggest loser of the generation even if in the end it sells more units than the 360 it will be too late considering the system went nearly its' entire exsistance losing money and whether you like it or not it is not units sold that matters it is the bottom line and being in financial black area and not the red. As history would have it consoles are most often released losing money but they are not suppossed to go on doing that as long as Sony did with the PS3. Thier biggest mistake was probably in the Cell Processor as the return on investment that theyn paid to develop this this was null and void andwasn't helped by the lack of ram either as it created an uneven bottlenecked system that few seemed to be able to overcome or perhaps did't care to waste theeffort since they knew they would make better sales putting thier efforts towards other platforms versions. Sony fortunately seems to have learned a lot from its' mistakes with the PS4 though history has yet to be written on that book.
Next up, the future. A look into what has to be one of the hardest to predict generations that I have ever witnessed.