After years of Lucasarts making Star Wars game after Star Wars game and going from one of my favorite devs of all time to one of my most hated they finally are doing something right and doing a remake of the original Monkey Island as well as releasing a new episodic adventure, called Tales of Monkey Island. I would have been happy with just the remake but its great news all around.
Now I have all the MI games but I will still buy this in support of keeping this thing going and just because the games are awsome. I think the only mistake they made was not making a DS version which in my mind seemed to be the best fit but judging by the video the game looks to be maybe a little audio heavy, but still it would have been ok with just the text.
Anyway I am E3 has only just begun and I am happy. Now we just need whoever in charge of Seirra's stuff to remake thier games and EA to get off thier butts and remake the Ultima series.