Part of the Lost Empires stand alone group of books of which there are 4 total.
From the back cover....
The Lost Library of Cormanthyr.
Is it just a myth? Or does it still stand... somewhere in the most ancient corners of Faerûn?
An intrepid human explorer sets out to find the truth and what starts as an archaeological expedition soon becomes a race against time as an undying avenger is determined to protect the secrets of the ancient, xenophobic elven empire of Cormanthyr.
The Library of Cormanthyr -- is it a myth, or a lost piece of history? A contemporary explorer-scholar sets out to learn the truth, but what starts as a research project soon becomes a race against time as an undying avenger strives to keep the secrets of the elves hidden.
In other news I am still working on GTAIV of course and I like 50% something percent into it and its still fun. I suppose I could be done if I stuck to the main mission but I do the other stuff too though i will admit I have been ignoring most of my friends in the game as it just gets anoying after while to be taking every one to go bowling or whatever. I would say my only really big gripe with the game is that in some cases they actually took out the full open worldly part of the game as far as the missions are concerned. By this I mean the game during the missions often forces you to do things a certain way like in some mission you have to ride a motorcycle, or the car you parked outside prior to entering the mission disappears as you when you start it preventing you from using. Ah well.