yes, those questiosn made me lol :P
yeah, I know a lot of popele make question blogs, but Felipe did one recently :|
Yes, I'm copying and pasting the questions :P
Can I have a hug?! Um, okay *hugs* Can I have a cookie?! Um.....its against my voes but okay!
Can I have a cheeseburger?! Fine :P *gives cheeseburger*
Can I have a- Oh wait, you said only 3 questions
What sort of animal that lives in the jungle that you want to keep it as a pet? Zebra
What sort of food do you want to try to eat but never did? Calamari
What type of extreme sport you always wanted to do? EVERY xtreme sport!
hehe it's not like Felipe invented the idea of question blogs
hmmm .. first question , what's a budgie ? Its a wild parrot that lives in Australia that are famous to keep for as pets. My first one wa called Pancake and he could talk!
Second question , if you were to choose between the last remaining Pie on earth and owning a real life pikachu ( ) what would you choose ?!!! Oh come on! :cry: Depends, if the pikachu had ultra cuteness, then the pikachu. I would teach it Quick Attack so it can save the pie. :P
and for the third question , one of my paradox questions xD .. Pizzas are round , so why are they put in square boxes ? .. Boxes are square. Ever heard of a circle box? :|
What would you do if you transformed into a Pokemon!? Depending on what pokemon it is, I would enjoy every moment of it.
Whats black and blue and red all over? Mario with black shoes and a scarf? :?
Why is the grass always greener on the other side!? I'm not telling ;|
and btw what is your favourite pie.? I only really liked apple :P
yes America has budgies but we call them parakeets.
I know you prefer Rugby Union to footy. but what do you think about cricket and who do you barrack for in that sport? Cricket is okay. I don't watch state games, I watch games where they verse other countries
If video games disappeared from the world what would you replace them with? Sport
What is your all-time favorite video game (if you don't have a favorite just list some of your favorites)? Lets see, Sonic 2, Ocarina of Time, tetrisphere and SSBB
Are you a pickle? No, but my friend is :P
Are you secretly a ninja? No :| *shifty eyes*
Why do you love pie so much? Honestly, I don't know :lol: What's your favourite subject in school? Japanese, English and drama
Do you like Japanese mangas (comics) and animes? Yes I do :D
Why everybody hates you? Cause I'm a jerk :P
Why do i live for? Pie :|
Why my name is Takisar because it is :|
That is one awesome looking bird! 3 "creative" Questions huh? Okay lets see......
If you were hanging by your toes in the middle of the forrest and nobody was around what would you do? I dunno, dance? :|
If I were to say i'm going to visit Australia, what would you say? I would say come to the town I live in! :D
What is your favorite thing about Australia, for you personally? I ain't sure. maybe the fact that its my home :)
Thats all.
what your favorite pie apple
and do you have a twitter account nup
Do you have a zombie plan? Yes, get a two chainsaws and a kayak paddle :P
What's it like living in "down under"? in a place :P
Favorite Pokemon? Blaziken 8)
Did you know that I used to have parakeet? Now I do :P
Did you know I'm studying Ninjutsu? (Oh, crud. It was supposed be a secret.) Yep, and I'm not *shifty eyes* :|
How many times did people throw boats at you? Thats another story....
btw, dude you're crazy.
1 - Duck Donal d dont use pants, but after him take a bath he use towels at the waist...Why? Because he can :|
2 - Why the orange is called orange and the lemon isn't called green? Because they are yellow :|
3 - Adam have a navel??????? :lol: XD Wait.what?
Why is my precious rocket ship drifting off into deep space? Thats the 2nd time you asked me that!
Do you love posting all of these random blogs all the time? Not really
Do all toasters toast toast? Unfortunately, yes :| *runs away*
Can I get a root beer float, large fries, jr. bacon cheeseburgers with no pickles? Yes *hands food* taht wil be exactly *pretens to type into calculator* ...$250 0000000000000000000756485 :|
Are you a better pokemanz masta than Ash Ketchup in a bottle? No:lol:What's a budgie? Its an Australian parrot foudn in the wild that are popular pets. My first one was called Pancake and it could speak.
What's your favorite fighting game? Mortal Kombat Which Pokemon game is your favorite? Sapphire What's your favorite sport? Rugby League
Those are the questions! :D
Um..I mean answers :|
Now, today I will talk about *drum roll* ....*boom! crash!* :|
Munchgun! :D
Munchgun is a very nice guy and if I didn't meet him, I wouldn't make blogs like this! :P
He is awesome and funny! :lol:
Funny, he was making sigs, so when I wanted to make my won, he helped me :)
He's really nice too :)
But he hasn't been active in a while, though he blogged why
I miss him :(
Now, at school, in this week, we got exactly 3 new students in my Ras CLA$$
RAS stands for Relationship and Self, where on Wednesdays we do activities, its just a CLA$$ mixed with different grades to get to know each other, and listen out for the notices :D
Oh, and some peopel I know laughed at me today because I've never seen a horse up close before :evil:
I've only seen a pony! :cry:
Is it not normal to not see a horse? :x
Now, do I live in the city or the country? :?
let's just say I live in the town :P
I live near where the sugarcane grows and burns, but I live near the posrting oval, and the Sizzler, and the hosital etc :P
Oh and today is Friday so late night tonight! :D
Diesel got registered again! :D
And he can now jump on the chairs, sitting on it!
Or I have been told anyway
Oh, after the Commonwealth games. Undercover Boss Australia will be airing :D
I know that one of the bosses os the CEO of Dominoes Australia, and he's on all those Dominoes ads :p
They should do one for Sizzler. My brother works there :P
See you! :D