I feel better now. Thanks for the hugs and pie! :D
Plus, my legs are stil aching, but I guess its growing pains eh?
Now today there was an Teacher VS Student PE game show at school. Really funny, but the teachers cheated! :x :P
The teacher was taller to catch the netball in the challenge! :x
Teachers won of course, the host being my fave teacher :roll:
I have a lot of fave teachers :|
Here was a question:
Name an age champion in our school for cros country NOT including Grade 12?
The teachers got it right :roll:
But at least they said my freinds name as an answer! :D
She's really athletic, unlike me :P
I only brouht two things to eat at school today :|
I was still hungry, I forgot some food :x
So my friend gave me some food, plus my friends I won an ice blockfrom a guessing comp at Japanese of what an item is.
It was a balloon ball thingy that kids use to play with.
Oh, on Sunday I saw How To train Your Dragon on DVD
Toothless is soooo cute! :oops:
Especially when he tries to smile :lol:
But it was an overnight, so it was returned the next day :D
I just realised something.
I'm not random anymore.
Sure, a few blogs ago i talked about pie but....I seem to be talking more about my life and such
Wow :|
Pie :|
Arrgh, dang it! :x
Last night I watched Packed to the Rafters......and I cried.
Mel Died ;cry: I can't believe Mel died :cry:
And apparently my friend cried too :|
Wow, Amercain won the Melbourne Cup :|
I was hoping for Shocking or So You Think :P
No, I do not bet on horse races :P
For now on, every time I blog, because I'm in the mood, I will post a picture of a Digion for Digimon of the day! :D
Oh, my aquaintance taught me a realy cool trick on Google. It involves Google, a keyboard, and Chuck Norris :|
Most of you may already know this but type in find chuck norris on google, then click on I'm feeling Lucky.
Funny eh? :lol:
What about fish carp in it? :|
:x :x :x :x
No more funnyz! :x
Seeya! ;D
P.S Where's Wally? :|