I want Ivy the kiwi? :P
I watched Invader Zim last night, and it was the one with Keef and when Dib had ARMS. LIKE. NOODLES!!!!! :lol:
Funny, my pc only stuffs up when I'm making a blog :?
So, you guessed it, on my mums laptop :P
I am trading through pearl and hg, but not cheating, I just wanrt to complete my pokedex and use Arceus to get a free dialga! :D Which might be after I defeat tyhe elite four, my brother needs his DS now :P
My kadabra just evolved :| :D
Now, to tell you a tale of me being a bit evil-er. :|
At school, my mate Maddy gave me her Leafgreen so I can complete it for her. I did everything defeat Elite Four, caught pokemon nand migrated without permission. Then, with my other friend Jorja over, I was in a battle between Articuno that took half an hour. She kicked the DS! :x Then, after reloading the game, I caught it! :D
Then the next day, I went to Mewtwo's cave. Mewtwo using only struggle with 1 hp left, I still couldn't capture it :x Then, realoded then caught it. I migrated the mewtwo, articuno, a shiny goldeen and dratini without her permission. I told her, she was mad about the dratini and mewtwo, but she said to keep them anyway. :| Then, I gave my mate Kayler the shiuny goldeen, cause she saw me capture it :)
But now I want it back! :cry: :P
Sorry, I just like it :P
Why do I only find shinies in Safari Zones? :|
Seth Green is in Old Dogs! :O
He created Robot Chicken. :P
Fire drill today, when we where about to watch Hairspray in music :P
*go eats dinner*
Ok, my mums battery is running low very quickly!
I'll stop now :P
Footballer are awesme people who, wait, which football?:|
AFL, NRL< NFL, Rugby union, soccer? :P
Thi has to be short :(
http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs45/f/2009/080/3/a/Really_sucky_anti_zadr_comic_by_JoyWillCome.jpgits too big :P
Goodnight! :D