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Back to school!

I only get 14 comments now! :(
I always make the blogs at 6 PM! :(

Last night, it was standing there, my blog, all alone with no comments! :cry:

Oh, thanks people for giving my review a thumbs up! :D

Why, yes Lauren DID go to back to school on a Tuesday? :|

Well, every first week of school, on Monday there is a "Pupil Free day" where the teachers discuss stuff about the school and that. :|

And everything went well! :D *cough NOT *cough*

First, we got our timetable, and suprise surprise, Science was first! :shock: :D

It was good fun, learning about our galaxy, (The Milky way) and how we are on a starfish galaxy thingy! :D

Until...someone I know was calling my friend names -_-

Not a lot of people like my friend, they just tease her and such :(

So, I SHOUTED at her, everyone started laughing at me, but I think I did the right thing, standing up for my friend, At the end of the lesson, I went to Sick bay, because I was feeling dizzy and I couldn't see properly. (remember, I'm a vegetarian) :P

Then, after discussin what happened to a teahcer, it was that I was just stressed, I went to Maths, Late, :P

Then llunch was fine

etc etc etc

But the teaser's friend was staring at me ALL DAY -_-

Its wrong to bully, even if they started it! :x

Oh, and guess what? :lol:

My mortal enemy, (yes, I have an enemy) came to school yesterday! XD

His friends told him that he had school! XD XD XD XD


Sorry, but I did lol at school :P

On a side note, I returning Pokepark wii to Video Ezy.


Yes, I have finished it, but I haven't become friends with all of the pokemon yet :P

I still have to become freinds with Celebi :P

I saw Shaymin but can you be friends with him? :|

If you missed it, here is the review

yay! Australia won some gold medals! :D :|

Now, to type stuff about me :|

I was born in the same hospital, the same month, the same year as my mortal enemy :P
But I'm 2 and a half weeks older than him. Just about :|

I have something, a type ofASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) called Asperger's Syndrome

That why I can't control myself and shout :|

But I was a lot worse when I was younger, trust me :|


Ahem, anyway, ingore the random shout, when I was younger, I cried ALL THE TIME, I had trouble with things, yeah :|

But I'm getting better :)

I bite my fingernails. HAPPY? :P

Only occasionally though, like n Primary school, my teacher gave me a Cancer Council Daffodil Day teddy when I stopped :D

I'm trying to stop! :x

MY WII MOTE IS TURNED OFF! ITS THE END OF THE WORLD NO! What, it just lost its communications with the Wii? :|

I have been gaming since I was 4, but I really didn't become a know-it-all on games until I got my DS. And the Wii.

Why is there a pickle in my pants? :|

Not really, I'm just blabbering gibberish :P

Just like Raiden does in the Original Mortal Kombat game! :D

I can't eait until the new one! :D

Yes, I retunring PokePark wii, I'm bored with it :P

Plus, I have to retunr it or else its overdue :|

I miss Munchgun :(


Okay! Goodnight! :D

