I justwanna say thanks, you guys. My bird is dead, but I am coping, don't you worry ;)
Anyway, my brother took me his gf, the gf's sister (my friend) and my borthers mates for a game on 10 pin bowling. he had to hire 2 lanes though. I forgot what place I was in. 3rd maybe?
Then, we got ready for LASER TAG! 8)
I was called Hellraiser. :|
Anyway, it was pretty active and fun, especially when I shot people without looking! :D
Guess what place I got in?:o
3RD! :D
11350 points! :D
I was the youngest oen there, and I was 3rd! XD
My brother came first :| (of course :roll: )
Anyway, then I watched my friend play the Deal or No Deal game at the arcade area. She won 75 ticket, then 50, then 4 :| :P
Then, ffor the first tiem ever, i ahd a go.
At the least deal it was 57 tickets...I thought about it...good thing I said No deal :P
Guess how many tickets were in my case? :o
100 tickets! :D
First time ever playing, and I got 100 ticets! :D
Thats quite a lot :|
I didn't exchange any of it for prizes though, I'ms aving up until I get 2000 so I can get a good quality soft toy :D
I wanted to play Dance Dance Revolution, but I didn't :|
That was on a school night! :D
let's see....how my was day today...?
JAPANESE: We watched Skip Beat, which was pretty funny, then we played a game.
MEDIA: We watched the rest of Toy Story 3, from last week :D
MATHS: test -_- I couldnt' study......I was....sleeping
Nah, i was jsut bowling last night while I was thinking of my bird :(
ENGLISH: Ebglish work..then our teacher read some of The Hobbit to us! :D
I'm going to buy that book! :D
Or hire it :|
Crap, its 6:15 PM already! :shock:
But its still sunny :|
Just :|
Or maybe not :|
I've been drawing Renamon hybrids lately :|
Please say they're good? :D
PLEASE!??!?! :D
Funn picture time! :D
if there is any :|
I actually remember THE MAP!
OKay! :D Goodnight! :D
Finally, today's Digimon of the Day is...KNIGH-
Digmon :|
EDIT: Leslie Nielson died :(