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Clap Your Hands.

I'll make the next chapter tomorrow about Welcoem to TV Land! but I forgot who wanted to be in it. :|
Well, here is a Song I like, but when I saw the music video I was like "WTF? :shock:

Oh, if you are wondering, my avy is Midori from Midori Days :D
Yes, I know Midori is Japanese for green :P

For 3 days now, my mum has been angry or some strange reason.
Mainly towards my brother.
last night, my mum and my dad had an arguement over chocolate! :P
But its fine now...I hope. :|

WTF? : Why did I just get an email all in Aisan? :?

Ack! I hope my Hotmail account hasn't been hacked! :x

Oh, here is MY list of favourite catchphrases! :D
In no particular order :|

Ha Ha!
I'm Ready! I'm Ready!
Pikachu! I choose youZ! :P

Well, not really a great pile of phrases, huh? :P

Well, I'm bored :x

*eats ice cream*
*ice cream fall off the stick and onto the ground*
NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry:

Do a Barrel Roll! :|
Woah! Thats awesome!
I see Megaman, Mario, Link and others :|
Look at what I found!e
Why didn't anyone inform me of this? :x
Yes, I don't one any Professor Layton games, but I played a friend of mines', and its fun! :D

Do U Liek Mudkipz?
No. :|
I shared that image on facebook, since I have nothing better to post on that website :P
I can't belive this! :x You know those Nerf guns? Well, my brother was shootign the suction darts ones at my mums eagle picture and his laptop in his room! :x He's 18! Why would he shoot the aptop he nees for University next year? ;x
He'll be on campus, I'll miss him! :cry:
Ah, Professor Oak memes :P
Hey, I wonder, what would you do in a Zombie outbreak? :|
Me? I throw some bricks and cinder blocks! :x
Why? :|
Because its the only thing I know how to throw :P
PLus, I use ti if anyone annoys me, like Munchgun! :x
No, wait I just get my killer kitty Shin Dig to attack him :P
Which he threw to the Sun, multiple times :x
Ands its now a robot! :x
I hope Munchgun stays for longer :)
You know what I'm gonna wathc? :D
The Bledisloe Cup! :D
Go Wallabies! :D
There is this movie that SuperfastSonic mentioned once. My dad wants to see it.
Looks pretty cool! 8)
*eats fruit mince pie*
*drinks water*
See, Pie is EPIC!!!! :x
I read a Super effective comic like that :P
THE TRUTH!!!!!! :o :o :o :o
I knew it 8)
But no one beleive me! :x
No, not even-nevermind :|
Now my brother can never complete it! :x :cry: :? :|
Haha, imagine a kid saying to his mother: " Mummy, for Halloween, I'm gonna be a tree!" :P

Seeya! Sorry for the early blog :(
