Let me just make a blog so no one can see that Spyro that ran into a brick wall and became a pug dragon (my friend said that).
Let's start from yesterday.
Jess slept over.
She was failing in drums while Marc was strumming through victory in Band Hero.
I was okay in drums....oh what the heck I ROCKED! 8)
Yeah, today was okay.
My dad took photos of me and Marc (and Jess...and our dog Diesel):|
Oh, Jess is Marc's gf.
Then, Marc, dad, Jess and I played new super Mario Bros. Wii.
I accidently kept killing everybody.:|
Dad was the blue toad, I kept jumping on his head. :lol:
But Marcus kept picking me up! :x
Then, we played Wii Party.
Marc kept winning :x
Yeah, I made Munch a sig.:|
But I ain't showing it.:|
Oh, I made zombies in Make a Zombie on the iPod Touch! :D
Each one to represent my current family...which will decrease by 1...:cry:
yeah, I may not be here tomorrow.:|
Usually, like all Mondays, I would have school, but thank goodness I'm not, because there would be awkwardness with jerks.:|
Instead, I'm goign with the family to Sunny Coast (once again :roll: ) so Marc can unpack his stuff.
The day he leaves! :cry:
I'll tell you more tomorrow, IF I get internet acc-wait...ipod Touch won't let you do stuff on GS....IF I get home at the right time.:|
Oh, time for a random telling.:|
Of a story.:|
About two guys.:|
Marcus and Cameron.:|
Cameron is Marc's best friend.:P
A few years ago, they went and saw a Dragonforce concert in some town.
A big town.
And Marc got free stuff, and he and cameron were moshing.
The rest of the audience were just people.
Not fans, people.
Wearing Guitar Hero shirts.
The band saw Marc and Cam.
'These guys knwo whats going on!' the band members say with grins.
Dragonforce threw water bottles to the crow marc caught one, swirling it around.
Oneof the band members was like 'Oh You!" and waved his finger with a smile.
How do I kow this whil i wasn't there?:|
I wish I went!:|
But I had school or something!:|
Get the Bee!
Yeah, I'm quite annoyed.
If Munchgun (Navi/Pop Tart) is teling the truth...he ain't blogging anymore :cry:
My life no has no purpose.:| :lol:
But...should I go on a blog strike?:|
Oh, I BOUGHT Cut the Rope and Angry Birds Seasons.:P
And Ovenbreak! :D
I'm moody today.
I know why.:|
I won't say it.:|
No, it's not the above.:|
It's something else.:|
Oh, I also played Boom Blox with dad, Marc and Jess.:P
It was hilarious! :lol:
Get the Bee!:|
I also got this Zelda soundboard app for my iPod Touch and I like pressing on Hey! Listen! Watch Out! Hello! Hey! Look! Listen!
14th tomorrow.:|
Great, now I have to go to a stupid shower :x
I have to wash my hair, which I hate, because my hair gets wet :x
My friends next door are always in heir pool in the afternoons :x
I knwo because I hear splashing :x
It kind of makes me jealous:|
Why can't Mario just get a helicopter to find Peach?:|