Okay, right now NRL State of origin is one.I go for NSW, yeah throw your bricks at me but, every game I've seen. QLD cheat at least 3 times. So many forward passes and Knock-ons! :x
Giive us a chance! Once there was a HUGE forward pass, and they allowed it! :x
Maybe the referee is a Queenslander? :P
The only person I like on the QLD team is Dave Taylor :|
He plays for the South Sydney Rabbitohs! :D
Last night I saw Australia Versus, and he Engglish won! :x
All because they said Daniel Craig was was better than George Lazenby for the Best Bond! :x
At least Heath Ledger won for Best Villian :D
And I think Russel Crowe won for the tough guy, I forgot :|
I can't beleive Priscilla Queen of the Desert los in Best Frock! :x
Funniest Flick, The Castle and Life of Brian was a tie! :o
The Castle was the awesomest movie ever! 8)
And of course, Sophie Monk won for , I dunno actually, :P
Date Movie was awesome! :lol:
This issue is 6 months old! :lol:
He started to shoot the eliminated contestants! :lol:
Tomatoes are poisoned! :o
No, not that Tomatoes, I mean the actual food :P
Come on NSW! :D
Just don't hurt Dave Taylor, please? :)
Isaac Luke, which is a player who plays for the Rabbitohs, can't play for 8 weeks due to an injury! ;cry:
Now, to tell everyone about my boring day! :D
Tere was a long drive today, because we had to pick up my Nan from hervey Bay airport, not Bundaberg, HERVEY BAY! -_-
Its prononced Har-vee Bay :P
My nan gave me winter socks! :D
She always does :P
She sleeps inmy room, so I sleep ona mattress :P
Then, I tell my mum about the remake of Nightmare on Elm Street, because she likes horror movies, but my brother said that its that bad, it wasn't going to come to Australia :?
But its showing on the 9th :|
My mum finds some horror movies funny :P
Like the Exorcist, she laughed at that :P
Has anyone seen Blades of Gory? :lol:
Oh, why did the plane crash? :P
The pilot was a loaf of bread :|
What's the difference between an orange? :D
An ice cream. A bicycle only has two wheels :P
Its not supposed to make sense, my dad told me that joke :P
I loce thos abllon things! :lol:
I see a lot each year :P
Oh, my mum said that we might see Toy Story soon! :D
ALL of my friends at home have seen it, I haven't been to the movies in a while!
I usually wait for the dvd :) :|
Goodnight! :D