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GameTraders+ Some other stuff

I'm just going to say a few things. It might be too early to make a blog but I want to! :x :P

First thing is, I'm going to say how great GameTraders is. Its a store that sell video games of all types, from Atari to Wii. They even sell old consoles, like the N64 and the PSX. They have great service, and if you have a broken console, they can fix it for you, thats if the problem can be fixed. They also sell Anime, such as Inuyasha, Lucky Star, Full Metal Alchemist and many more that could only be at Anime exclusive stores. GameTraders aslo sell old Link Cables, controllers, memory cards, rumble packs and such. They have such good service as well. They seem to also sell card packs, toys, plushies, posters, figurines, items and more. Like the other day I saw a Hylian Shield for sale! :o In every GameTraders store I have been into, they all seem to have good service. At Maryborough I saw a game, then they sent it to the Bundaberg GameTraders. :D

My second thing I shall talk about is Maddie Blaustein.Adam Joan Blaustein was born in New York. She unfortunatley died in December 11 2008 aged 48 from a short illness in her sleep. She was usuallya dub voicein Anime and sometimes in video games. She has been the voices of Meowth, Corphish, Lt.Surge, Bill, and many more characters in Pokemon.She was also Chatot in the Mystery Dungeon Pokemon special.She was also Sartorius in Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Chef Kawasaki and Waddle Doo in Kirby:Right Back At Ya!, Corinna in Viva Pinata, The President in Shadow the Hedgehog, Dr. Kureha in One Piece, The Toucans in Animalia, Jillas in Slayers TRY, Dr.Clash in F-Zero: GP Legend, Burnt Meatballs in Fightinf Foodons, Helga in Dinosaur King and many more. She was also a writer and an artist. She had written and edited for Marvel Comics, and was a senior digital artist at DC comics. Its a shame that a wondeful person had to die, especially at 48. :( Arceus & the Jewel of Life and WarioWare D.I.Y are dedicated to her.

Also, that I have 1 more week (4 days due to Good Friday) then I will have my Easter Holidays! :D I'm watching Lucario and the Mystery of Mew now. :D Its an okay movie. :P

I gotta go now take care! :D
