Just thought to post that there. :P
Guess what? You, thats what. :|:o The Year 9's and 8's had a special assembly. Because if you've been readin apapers, listening to the radio, or watching tv, you may have noticed that a poor girl got murdered after meeting someoen she met on FB in person, wanting a job. :(
That why everyone should be extra careful with websites like Moshi Monsters, MySpace, FB and such. :)
We watched various vids, like about a guy wanting to see his internet friend naked, but she agreed. Then the guy sent his pics all over to his friends, then they sent it to thier friends, then her brother, then her mother. :(
But, surprinsly, we watched SOUTH PARK! :o
But it had a message, about meeting someone in person after meeting them on the internet.
Now, for all the bad things they have done, I HATE South Park, but that one was sorta funny! :P
Does anyone reember the Jumunji cartoon? :o
Or MicroCops? :O
Or Eddie McDowd?
Or The Worst Witch? :P
ON Hamish & Andy, they were talking to Usher, since he is in Australia, and they told him about the cast on Hey Hey Its Saturday! because he's gonna be on it tonight. :|
Its nice. :P
But what is it? :O
I dunno. :|
Who likes one man bands? :O
I do. :D My parents saw this guy, after they saw Johnny Diesel, he was awesome!!! :D :D :D :D
Back and forth. :|
Its a song by Operator Please! :D
*cricket chirps*
You know? :x They made a song about Ping Pong? Remember now? :P
Bacon JUice, as being the creator of it, I hate it. :P
Like waffles. :P
I like pretzels. :P
Hungry now? :|
Do you have what it takes? :x
Life, is like a *gets run over* :o
Woah! :shock:
Some Guy: You're as flat as a pancake! :o
Me: Yay! I'm a a pancake! :D *starts eating self*
Onn Biggest LOser, they seem to like to say "myself" :P
Like Big Brother likes "However" :P
I;m watching Sonic! :D
Stupid Robotnik! :x
IN Aus, there's a channel called KidsCo, and it showsAdventures of Sonic the hedgehog,Pelswick, DK Country and many more. :D Its about international, the channel. :P
Hey, I'm a kid at heart. :P
I brought my PokeWalker to school for the first time today, and me and my friend connected them, he has Togepi, and I had Folder, my Grimer. They liked eachother! :lol:
It said Togepi found a boyfriend. :|
Kinda awkward. :P
But I received an Ultra Bal, and my mate retreived a Burn Heal. :P
Yes! :D I got the better pressie! :) :P
On Monday, I threw up at the toilets, and on Tuesday I stayed home because I felt worse. :?
But I'm pretty okay now! :D
Genki Desuka? :|
Its the polite why of saying How are you in Japanese. :P
The casual way is just Genki? :P
I've been learning *** since Year 5! :D
Wikipedia has changed. :|
I just finished eating sausages :D
Oh, wait Im vegetarian. :P
Vege sausages *sgufty eyes*
I'm serious! :x (no shifty eyes*
That's better! ;)
Ineed to be 18 to drink :P
A new species of frog? :o This I gotta see! :D
EDIT: Invader Zim is now showing the first season, as they finished with the second season But now on weekday nights! :o but on 10:30 PM :(
Goodnight! :D