*is sitting on bench*
*sees white feather*
Why am I sitting on this bench? :cry:
Why are there chocolates on my lap? :cry:
Why am I wearing Forrest Gump's outfit? :cry:
WHY AM I HERE? :cry:
*gets crushed by meteor*
I wasn't expectin such a prompt reply. :|
I'm gonna geta haircuttomorrow. :(
I don't like them! :cry: My hair gets 5 cms shorter! :cry:
I won't like it because I won't get a haircut from my original hairdresser. because she has cancer. :( I hope she gets better. :)
I have long hair. :P
Geckos are perverts. :|
No seriously, everytime I'm in the shower, there's at least one just staring at me! :P :lol:
Creepy. :|
Today, my mum and I went to Video Ezy to hire some dvds.
We got the following:
Tales From Earthsea (For me)
Howl's Moving Castle (For me)
This Is It ( For me and perhaps my mother)
Robot Chicken Star Wars Episode 2 (For my brother)
Chicken Little (For family)
Monsters VS Aliens (For family)
Tales from Earthsea is pretty good. It hard to imagine the life Therru had with her parents. :( Its created by Goro Miyazaki, the son of Hayao Miyazaki. For some reason I always watch Anime Movies in Japanese. I just got used to it that way ever since I saw Howl's Moving Castle in Year 6 in Japanese. :)
Howl's Moving Castle is a brilliant movie by Hayao Miyazaki. I watched it in Japanese too. :P Me and my friends always found Turnip the Scarecrow hilarious! :lol: I really like the ending. :P
I was looking at he back cover of Robot Chicken Star Wars 2 and Luke and Darth Vader were fishing! :lol:
I was either gotta get This Is It or Planet 51. I chose This Is It, of course. :P
Looky here! :o
And here! :D
I watched Incader Zim last night. :P
Zim: *imitating Gir* I'm gonna watch it again!
Gir: I'm gonna watch it again! :D :P
That guys that wants to rule the shopping centre is wierd. :?
Chicken Noodles. :|
What an adventure! :o
I have school tomorrow. -_-
But this shall get resolved! :x
Me: Oh Dear Lemon not again! :x *drinks soft drink*
MR.Krabs No free refills. :|
Patrick: A high school diploma? :|
OK, enough of that. :P
That was irrelevant. :|
*jumps out of window* :|
Yeah, I'm watching MOnster VS Aliens now. :P Its funny! :lol:
Bright Lights. :D :|
I was watching The Simpsons episodes from the 90's this morning. :lol:
Its raining! :|
Now I can't see the Southern Cross! :cry:
WEll, thats all for now seeya! :D