Hey guys. Bad blog title is bad, considering this has no Invader Zim stuff in the blog.
I was supposedto be watching Rove LA but I forgot to record it, so I'll blog while listening to The Lion King songs.:P
I forgot all about Kirby.:( I should be wathcing that instead. But too late, I already started this early blog.
Dad had to go to that jail again to fix their photocopier. This is like, the 2nd or 3rd time!
I had two banana Paddle Pops, now I don't think I should of ate them.:(
I also had a cookie.:|
I watched Avatar: The Last Airbender Abridged last night and today. It's hilarious! :lol:
At school today, my friends were chosen who to roleplay as through a chatterbox. It was YGO charcters. 1 of my friends was Marik, one was Yugi, one was Joey, and I had to be Ryo Bakura. This was my first time roleplaying. I just kept saying 'Does anyone have food?" because Bakura loves food.:P So does Joey.:|
Of course I used a terrible British accent! 8)
My first subject today was Art. I just set up a canvas, nothing much.:|
In Smart Moves we played Oz-Tag, though no one passes the ball to me.:(
In HPE, we had to go to the library to meet a guest speaker, which is a psychologist AND a psycharatrist!:o Then we played an extremely lazy version of footy, just by standing there.:P
In Science we did revision for our upcoming test. At the end these girls got their phone and used an app where they take a photo of someone and make them look fat.:P Our awesome teacher allowd it! :lol: Then I discussed to him about lawsuits.:|
Because I'm learning about X-Men in Media, I decided to watch X-Men Evolution on YouTube to notice the differences in characters. Dare I say it...I like this show.:| It may be a modern cartoon, and some of the characters go to high school, but I like it. Nightcrawler is still cool, evenif he is a teenager in this show.8)
Nightcrawler: As you say in America, 'neener, neener, neener!'
Because, you know, he's German?:P
Is it okay that I like a cartoon like this? :lol:
Ah, goodbye.:P
Woah, my computer screen is dirty.:|