This morning, my dad asked me if I wanted to go to a Bon Jovi concert.
I got hoem today....nup, Mum doesn't like the prices, even though she loves Bon Jovi :|
All well :(
Tickets=$200 :cry:
Too much oney not worth it :(
When do they come to Australia next? :(
U2 s coming too, they made a trubute to the NZ miners
Oh, after my science test the Cla$$ and the teachers got to play volleyball :)
The teacher's daughter came, she's a cute toddleer! :D
Oh, you know how I said I wanted a PS2? :|
I'm stil getting it, but my mum said instead of a PS2, I could get Sonic Colours Wii and Epic Mickey :shock:
But I want a PS2 :|
Oh, somethign funny happend at school today! :lol:
My friend in year 9 went up to me with a bag, put it down and said its invisible. I aksed whose bag it is, he said it ws his friend's. Then I saw him and his friend looking all over for his bag, Cla$$rooms, bushes, the gate, the bin :loL:
15 mins later, eh realised it was just next to me! XD XD XD XD
It was hilarious! :lol:
Oh, I paid for my yearbook, turns out that my mum didnt order me one :(
So I can't get mine until last year! :lol:
But this guy got one for free! :x
WHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYY?!?!?!?!?! :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x
Its quarter to 7 :|
Justin Bieber has a doll of himself? -_-
He has his own nail polish? -_-
He's in a movie about himself? -_-
wait until I get popular! :x
I wont
but my friend and I might make a YouTube yeah :P
Wow, I just joined deviantART :|
I dont' think I'll upload anything yet :p
Maybe except my Koala picture :|
I was goign to become a cartoonist...well I am but.....nah :P
I already changed my image :P
I chnaged form a Blaziken Blaziken pic :|
At Manual Arts today, (woodwork) a section fo the cla$$ including me had to go to the manual arts room. We could do nothing :P
Somebody started to right stuff on the whiteboard, it was random stuff about events that were happening while she was wrinting! :lol:
Then our teacher came and wrote somehtign near it :P
Also, he showed us whatolder kids make in Manual Arts :o
A speaker he plugged into his iPhone 4! :o
He listenened to Michael Jackson, then he put his phone away and turned the radio up 8)
My school is okay, well the teachers and subjects are, there are just idiot students that find school stupid :x :roll:
Like this group of boys got a wheelie bin and put one of them int there
they ran away when they saw the teacher :roll:
Jerks :x
Kevin Rudd, on The 7PM Project? :o
He's funny :P
Our Foreign Minister :D
I liked it when he was Prime Minister :|
My cupboard is full fo Christmas gifts for the future :|
OKay! Seeya! :D