I Love that song.
So, I have to teach everyone some Aussie Slang.
This story is fake.
While out in the wild, I watched some Bush Telly (Campfire) While playing charades.Its was boiling more than a heatwave on Chrissy Day. All I had left in my Tuckerbox (food storage box) wazza a sanger (sandwich) Though my Bitzer (Mongrel dog) that was never really mine, but He found me and start following me. I called Him Diesel. He liked Sangers, but sometimes when I Have a Aussie Salute (brushing away flies), he jumps, opens his talker and BAM! Breakfast is served. My Mate Henry, didn't own much, but was a great bloke. He was the only one who owned a Cozzie (swimming suit) and he would sometimes let me use it if we were at a Billabong for a quick dive. We continued our search for home. We have been through trecherous journey, and met some of World's amazing creatures, Like dingos, Muddys(mudcrabs), stupid Blowies (blowfiles) and many amazing birds, like Budgies and Galahs. Henry nearly lost an arm from a Freshie (Freshwater Crocodile), if it wasn't for Diesel. Diesel may have lost a ear, but he didnt mind. He was a happyWoofer (dog)dreamed of getting home, saying G'day(hi)our folks, Having Shrimp on the Barbie(BBQ) sleeping in nice, wamr blankets. We got stuck in the Outback 10 days ago. We were driving ou Ute (type of car) to Explore, but we suddenly drove into the Petrol Station in the middle of nowhere and there was a prang! (crash) Luckily we survived. Then Henry was signaling by going "Cooie!"and spotted home! We finally made to Alice Springs! Our mission was done and dusted! (finished, nothin to worry about) Our ol' Folks welcomed us, shredded to tears and we explained everything that happened. My room wasn't a dogs breakfast (messy) like I left. Mum cleaned it up. I burst into tears. Even though I am not a sook (crybaby). We had a Celebration! We ate Lamingtons (a delicous treat), Sangs (sausages) and nice, refreshing beer. I was so Happy. I am home.
Nayway, I can now watch Classic Sonic the Hedgehog on TV. And there is also DK Country on TV too.
*dies of thrwoing bricks*
But I shall rise..errr...again!
-Bunnie Rabbot