Last night I felt terrible. I felt worse this morning. So I did not go to school. My nose, throat and head were in pain. They are now less painful. I Have to go to school tomorrow.
And top Simpsons songs!
When I was 17...
Shavin my shoulders...
Max Power...
Who needs the Kwik-e-mart?...
See My Vest...
Do The Bartman....
And of course there is many more but like I said, I ain't feeling well so yeah :(
In Pokemon Black and White, there will be Combination attacks. And triple battles. And the pokemon move :|
Poor Mathew Newton. He lost his job in The X Factor and his girlfriend. Patti and Bert newton, which is Matthew's parents say he has a mental illness and he has psychotic episodes :(
And now he's on suicide watch :(
I feel sorry for him :(
I don't want him to kill himself :(
I was watching the news, happy, but then suddenly, breaking news! Lleyton Hewitt is out of the US Open :(
Where's my hanky? ;x
oh, here it is! :)
*sneezes* :|
And now, to show you my reactions to movies!
Advent Children
And finally....Twilight.
Yeah, i died :P
And now, for funnyz! :D
Too bad, you don't get cake, you get pie instead! :x :lol:
Ok, time for Question of the day:
What's your FAVE animal?
Goodnight! :D