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I Hate Going To Childers

Cookies. :| Its annoying to got to Childers, the place is great and all, with The Peanut Van and such, but everytime we go there, my brothers team verses Hervey Bay! :x Well, Childers is where we had to go for my brother's rugby game, which was great for the first 11 mins. My brother was walking, with a pain in the leg, then he gave up and sat on the bench. He was in pain. BAD PAIN! The game went for 60 mins instead of 80, because its 18's and Under I think. :P Its was great, with us winning. But Hervey Bay is pretty rough when they tackle. Hurting a lot of people. :( Everyone heard a big SMACK when someone tried to tackle a West player *My brother's team* but ended up slapping him across the face. OUCH! For once, the refs were beng useful, and then we were lsing. But then, with just 1 min to go, West scored a try! :D Then, even though it was full time, they still could kick. Then West kciked a goal! :D WE WON!!! :D

Then we caught up with my brother's girlfriend, which is really nice, she said she turned up 20 mins late, so she was really worried about my brother Marcus. Then we found out that his shin started to hurt, and he had ice taped to it. Someone suggested he had a burst blood vessel, but I saw no colours, so I knew he was alright. ;) Someone siad he miht have Himotonia (or however you spell it :P) He decided to stay with his girlfriend and watch the Brothers Vs Hervey Bay. He is probably at his girlfriend's house, becuase its been 7 hours since I saw him. :P

I had no idea why I brought my DS with me. :P But...MY POKEMON FREIND CODE FOR HEARTGOLD IS: I dont have one. :|

MY dad tried setting the WiFi up, but his connection isn't compatible with the NIntendo DS. :( My dad made the Wii have WiFi though. :( :cry: I have been waiting 2 years for this moment, and it doesn't work. :( I can no longer get that Yellow Forest now. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Then, we ordered pizza, I had vegetarian of course. :P and Pepsi Max. :P I turned on MOnsters VS Aliens, which was a plan to lure my dad to watch it. He said he was gonna move around, but he watched the whole thing! :O :D My plan worked! :twisted: :|

MY Mum didn't know who Seth Rogen was :o and I never realised that Stephen Colbert was The President! :D That guy's hilarious! :lol:

I'm gonna tape tonights episode of Invader Zim. 8)

I was readin about the Deltora Quest monsters, and the Wenn and The Wennbar are kinda wierd yet creepy to me. :?

Also, on the trip to Childers, all the bumpiness of the road made my Pokewakler step count go higher! :shock: :D

And back in town, a rock made a chip in the front window of the car, and a bump on the road my the tire go flat, So dad had to change the spare tire all by himself. :( He could work on the cars at V8 Supercars! :P Nah, he's actually pretty slow. :P But it was kinda wierd, with people passing by and people in cars just staring at us. :?

I hate those situations! :x

I found a Smoochum! :o Hooray for Dim Cave! :D

I'm up t0 the Pokemon League. For some reason in every Pokemon game, whenever I'm up to the Elite Four, I never touch my game for days. :|

Where is everyone? :cry:

*plugs in camera USB* :|


Who's that? :o :P

Not me. :P

I put some images on Facebook if you wanna have a look but....

Who's this? :o


I took that on Australia Day. :P

There were many balloons! :o

Its big. :|

:oWho's that? :o

Note: Stalkers will get pulverised by trucks. :| :P

I look a lil pale. :?

It wasthis morning. I slept in my school uniform! :lol: :P

I always fall asleep in my uniform on Friday Nights. :P

Did I mention cookies earlier? :| Bah! :x Lamingtons are much better! 8)


Actualy, I knew that all along :P

He's gonna get up me. :(

Oh, I mean she. :|

Just kidding. :P

Now think about it. :|

The world is just a smere piece of chip, with shattered glass of rain whenever someone sweats after eating nachos through the vertica horizon in the camera sock. :|

Strange. :P

For the third or perhaps fourth time, join The Playback Union! Or else! :x :|

I'm an officer there! :P I didn't expect that. :o

Stupid Magic Marker. :x

Munchgun lives in a Pegacorn Corpse I err mean...House. :|

Oh, whenever I leave my home, I tunr the powerpoints off. :P

But when I got home from school, mum said sh thought the fan was broken! :lol:

I was saving power. :D

Radio is good on weekdays, for Hamish & Andy and The Hit List with Matty and Renee, but the only thing thats on weekends is party remixes. :(

Ok, there good, but some songs aren't suitable. :P

My brother Marcus spends too much time with his girlfriend. :P

I'm afraid he might....:|

No! :P If you thought that, you're sick minded! :P

I meant he might spend too much times staying up late, he does have work and seems to get mingrains alot. :|

My brother can drive, but he's a learner. :P

I like bragging about my brother. :P He's like the ultimate awesome friend. 8)

He really likes Krispy Kremes. Too bad they're only in major cities. :(:P There's a funny picture of him and his friends with Kripsy Kremes donuts in his YearBook from HighSchool. :P This is his words of wisdom:

Life is like a pretzel, twisted yet delicous. :lol:

My town is famous or Bundaberg Rum and Ginger Beer! :D

Well, tomorrow I will be making a very important blog, becuase it will be about ANZAC Day, since ANZAC Day is tomorrow. If you want to find out what it is, read my blog tomorrow. ;)

Seeya and goodnight! :D
