Hey guys, remember when I was crazy over ponies? I spoke about them every single day. Until you guys told me that you were sick of it.
Now, all of a sudden, everybody loves ponies? :x
Make up your mind! :x
I just made a vein move in my hand.:| It feels wierd.:|
I like Puppyshipping!:D
You suck!:| *throws brick at whoever said that*
*throws random baby*
I remember telling Muncgun a joke abiut a random baby I threw.:|
Okay, school talk time.
I had Art first. Did watercolours and at that crap.:D
Then I had HPE. I handed in my assignment, then we played with frisbees.
Then, Science. Just more revision for our test tomorrow.
Then, Maths.:| I forgot it was time to do the second part of our test.:| The Thinking and Reasoning part.:|
Stupid algebra crap. :x
There is a bandiad on my finger!
I turned my music off because I thought Dad was home. Now to put it back on. 8)
Now,I think Dad is home. Diesel is barking.:|
I'm typing this on the lounge room because my room is rearranged and it's hard to access the powerpoints.:|
And it's not Dad.:|
I always say that when my friend eats upcakes. It's a joke.:P
She hasn't read the story, I just told her of it.
I am very sorry for the short blog.
Pinkie Pie stated that that ponies and buffalos are both vegetarian....but what is with the ham sammich that Applejack is looking at? :?