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I need a monsta to clobbea dat dere kirby!

yet agaian, sorry for random titel.

on wednesday nite, while watchin the second part of the hey hye its saturday renunion (shown globally) i pulled a muscle. and the same thing hapned dis mornin! and heaps of ants bit me.

as u can see, my avy is no longer a flicky, but ridley samus and maxwell. (not u munchgun!) by the way, u killed my reincarnated mega cookie. i know ive been buggin ya... but i just want an aplolgy!!!

every friday afternoon at skool we get to choose a sport or option and i chose swimmin. i got heaps of fun since i have special nneds. i have asperger's syndrome. asd? DOZENT ANYONE KNOW?.....

anyway, peple think the hey hye renunion was bad. it wazent!!! if the shows was a sucess, they would continue hey hey.

me eat paddlepop now!

wait...i alredy had one!


bout time channel 10 show the simpsons movie! even though i own da yeh.

also here r my fave websites:

gamespot(of course)

gamer explorer- luke141eels is da boss of it. i dont know if he wants more pepele though. am i soundin like dehdehdeh? the smash bros world with romance, comedy, shceming, lying, painting, gooey bombs, stolen xmas, you get the idea. zelda, inuyasha, metroid, naruto-itz here in print- manga form!

PokeFans! - a place for well..pokefans! it super funny. especially da wolf jokes. a place for pokemon, naruto, neopets, digimon and inuyasha. an enclyopedia for pokemon! a place for kirby!

and dats about it

also i am up to the part of 02 in kirby 64.

but i cant beat him.

well seeya!
