Confused? :|
Well, today i had school.
Which means fun!!!!! :D
Okay, first up, a few groups of students go to the beach first up. I had my doubts that is was going to be sunny (been rainign all week) but alas, it didn't rain! :o
It didn't take long to go to Bagara
What deos alas mean? :|
I didn't go into the water for lifesaving fun and swiiming, though :|
I did play with sand and play softball with a twist! :D
We had a soccer ball and there were wickets :P
Then, we hopped on the bus and went back to the school. We got changed back in our uniforms and ate lunch.
Then it was time fora few groups and I got to make bottle rockets! :D
In pairs...I worked with one of my teacher-aide Monica :D
I called my rocket.........RHOMBUS PIE THE DOLPHIN!!!!! :D :|
Because the finsI made looked like dolphins :P
I'll show you a picture of mine one day :|
Mine was awesome Except it failed the first time...being the 3rd closest bottle on the ground.
We gtot to aim the bottle, and shoot oit....of course it had water and compressed air :P
It went pretty far the 2nd time. Anyone who hit the targets win a prizze! :D
.........................................No body won a prize :|
Then school was over.
No, you are probably confused....that I only had two subjects and lunch at schoool today.
Well, its the last wek of school...which means fun! :D
One BIG session fo fun, one BIG lunch session, then one BIG lesson :D
For fun :|
Because we like to have fun 8)
My friend gets to go to Dreamworld at her school! :cry:
But she hates her school though :|
But still....DREAMWORLD! :cry:
She better get me a souvenier from Nickelodeon Central! :x :P
I still have my Blue plushie :D
You know, from Blue's Clues? :p
Blue is a girl :D
Magenta is the boy :|
I always knew that! 8)
Since I first watched it as a kid 8)
True :|
Oh, by the way....dammit I forgot what i was gonna say! :x
What do Kermit the Frog and Attila the Hun have in common.
They have the same middle namee! :o
.....the :|
My friend told me that! :D
I have to go to the doctors tomorrow for a check up :|
PIE :)
Seeya! :D
P.S I remember what I was gonna say! :D I made an avatar! 8) Isn't ti cool? :D I did the colours of the character, the shading and the animation all ny myself on Gimp! :D
Okay, Munchgun helped with the animation...a lot.....thank you :)