I foyu missed yesterday's chapter, go here: http://au.gamespot.com/users/BlazikenTails64/show_blog_entry.php?topic_id=m-100-25881759&tag=all-about%3Bblog1
Anyway, I looked at all the new pokemon on Bulbapedia, and a lot of them look wierd :? And I hate them! :x
ButI like Emonga, Pokabu, that deer one, the yorkshire terrier one, the bear one, Wargle, Shimama, Meloetta and more.
The mice look cool, I onl don't like the water one out of the element monkeys, I like most of the grass ones, and 1 pokemon looks liek it has baggy pants :| And one is a garbage bag!
My avy is Meloetta :P
Why does everyone hate Bidoof? :|
I like it :|
by the way, I played SSBB with my brother and his GF, he beat me, so I got revenge! :twisted:
Marcus: Don't hurt Jess!
Me: Why not?
Marcus: because she's my girlfirend!
Me: Yeah? Well....I'M YOUR SISTER! :x :P
I never really said it like that of course :P
P.S I'm watching Hey Hey Its Saturday :P