Deltora Quest. The maginifeicent illastrartions are done by one of my fave artist, Marc McBride. He lives in Melbourne, and he was at my school today. He showed how he made his dragon paintings, by his own stencilsand airbrushing and painting. He taught us how to draw dragons, we got to have a go with airbrushing, and get his signature. FINALLY!!! :D :D :D :D He came to my primary school but I couldn't get his autograph. He gave me 3 o his autographs, then my freind, Zac got Marc's Collector Edition book of Forest of Silence. :o He's so lucky! Zac is such a big fan, and he deserved it. :) I kept on snacthing it though, as a joke. :P THe big dragon picture Marc made, gave it to the school library. Then he said he was a friend of Queenie Chan, which is one of my new fave Manga artists. Then I told him that I had one of her books in my bag, so everyone said for me to bring it. Then an older student, showed Marc his artwork on Photoshop and this Manga computer program. He is maginifenct! :O He should sign up with TokyoPop! :D I was helping Marc pack up his stencils and such, then he learned from my teacher, that told him abou this artwork that makes Marcs life simplier that he didn't know about! He was amazed! So the teacher gave him some of the stuff he didn't know about! :P
While I helped him, I missed the bus. I saw it, I'm like "Yay!" then it drives away. :| BOO! :evil:
And it was raining, so my dad picked me up. Remember when I said his car got smashed? :| Well, its fixed! :D Well, sorta. :P At least I missed out on Music. :P
Yesterday, I found my fave game of all time that isn't SSBB! YAY! :D And I'm hooked on Ristar now. :P
And I threw up today at school! :D :|
I am really liking THe Dreaming, which is a manga by Queenie Chan. Its a bit scary, and two of the characters have names of my friends! :shock: Amner and Millie! :|
Now, the Budgie was walking, then it saw a tv, and then the little bird yelled "I LOVE BEING COMFY!" :D
It was all ruged up in feathers, which was unusual because Winter wasn't here yet, it was only May, which Autumn, when Winter starts on the 1st ofJune, Then a dagger went to its face, but then it caught it and stabbed the road made of bitumen, then it yelled-
Sorry, I lost connection of the fantastic tale of Mr.Frog. :|
I like Tsutarja! :D I thought it was Tsutaaja, but Bulbapedia is never wrong. ;)
I typed about errors on Pokemon cards once. :P
Marc McBride's fave Deltora Monster is the Ak-Baba. I like MUddlets and the Emerald dragon. :D
Here's a Muddlet. :|
Okay, I can't find any Mudlet pics, but read Deltora Ques Book of MOnsters f City of Rats, then you'll know what it is! :x
Okay, Deltora is really aimed at kids, but I like it! :D
Remember, read right to left. :P
Well, goodnight! :D