Drat! :P
Me and Munch has a nearly same avy. Except I'm Aeris, (The smart cat) and he's Leo (The dumb one ) :P
You don't reemmber that Simpsons episode? IT WAS THE 1ST SEASON! x
They are showing the first 5 season from the 90's on FOX8. :|
Funny, I go visit a friend, speak to her father about his 360 Red Rings Of DEath, NRL, and playing THw wii. Then he tells me that my friend went out to get some mice. :shock:
Then she came home, hers is a black and white one called Pipsquaek...but I don't know about her brothers. :|
She has 4 fish. These are their names, Assasin, Jaws, Rocky and.......................................Cupcake! :lol:
She had a new dog but it was very violent to her Jack Russell so they took it back and replced it with mice.
And at the end of the conversation...she says "Its my birthday!"
I need to make her a present!
I call March, THe Month Of Birthdays! :D Why you ask? :o
These ar the following people that I know with thier birthays in March.
My Dad
My 17 year old Brother
My 20-something year old brother
My friend
My friend's brother
Thier mother
My Other friend
and many more! :o
If your birthday is coming up, let me know and I shall mention it in a blog! :o
But it has to be close. :P
Oh, Please join my union! :D
Its The Star Fox Team! :D
IT even has a cool new banner by koopa! :D
Its quarter to 6...PM! :o
Oh, I'm a Wizard! :D
*is making Nestor jealous* :P
*drinks water*
I can't do a Spit-Take. :|
And people call me a comedian! :?
*sees leaf*
At school, for April Fool's Day, we have a box in the library, and we get to put hilarious jokes in them.
I entered 3 times with different jokes! 8)
Here's one *cough* Ahem! :x :|
Why does E.T have such big eyes?
He looked at the phone bills for calling his mother. :lol:
Not funny? Fine. Then heres the other one. :|
Arg. For some reason it won't let me ut it in the blog. I'l; just have to PM it to whoever ewants it. :|
Funny eh? :lol: I got it out of a book!
What's a vampire's fave fruit?
Neck-tarines! :P
Ultimited Vegetables! :D.......................:|
Humor time! :o
Seeya! :D