I an now feel God's presence. He seem's to answer my prayers. I asked for rain, he brought down rain, but a bit too much to make a mini flood. So we couldn't play outside for first lunch at school. And it was that bad, At LOTE, we couldn't play Elastics or HopScotch, Japanese style.
I made up a game! YOu need:
A Spongebob Bean Bag in shape of a ball.
Youself with your own hands.
A Singing voice that belongs to you.
A Spongebob Song Brain.
This is how you play: You have to sing or whisper a Spongebob song (E.g: FUN, Best Day Ever, Idiot Friends, Campfire Song) while hitting the BeanBag in the air until you finish the song. But, if you drop or miss the BeanBag, you have to start the lineagain, or for a challenge, start the song all over again!
Great, my Mum is home.