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Labour Day.

Only 10 people read my blog yesterday? That. long lengthy hardworked blog with funny pictures, only 10 people read it?:cry:

Not to mention it took 3 hours? :cry:

Oh, I'm just joking!:P
But the 3 hours part is true.:|

I'm only blogging about these things tonight because I'll look slow if I don't post them.:|

Justin Bieber got eggs thrown at him! XD

Osama Bin Laden is dead.:|

Today was Labour day for Queensland. Every state in this country get their own Labour Day. But it was QLD's day today, which meant no school. Because is means no one works. Though Dominoes was open.....:|

WTF? I just explained this 3 days ago! XD

Also, me, Marc and Jess played New Super Mario Bros Wii. I kept dying and killing everybody somehow by accident.:|

Then, Halo 3. 8) I was called Steak. :x STEAK! :x

I won 1 game, I lost to other games.

And I gained weight. :x Great, after burning fat, I gain weight. :x
No, I don't want muscle gain. I want to look skinny! D:
But not too skinny. ;)



Increment Time? No, Adventure Time!!!!!!!!!!!! :D 8)