I'm not paying attention to Easter Monday. I'm paying attention to ANZAC Day.
I've explained this 3 times while I've been here on GS, but I'll have to explain it again.
ANZAC stands for Australian New Zealand Army Core. It;s like Rememberance Day.
I remmeber in Year 7 I went to the front and flowers at the front.
My Music teacher actually took a photo of me, edited it, to make the hole picture black and white except the flowers. They were just red.
He even put it up the wall. :o
So, I had a minute of silence.:) I dare not to watch the news because it would be too depressing, about our dead soldiers and such. *sigh*
Lest We Forget.
Okay, now to tell you something.:|
I talked about my music teacher just then.:P
His brother is the Surfing Scientist, Ruben Meerman.:|
He used that A LOT.:P
He wrote science books, had his own tv show, and appears on tv, mostly on ABC 1.:P
In his first book, he dedictaed it to his 'little brats'.:P
I know those people!:D
But they don't like me.:|
All well, that was primary school, I'm in Year 9 now!:P
I have to remember to steal those memes off Ammo and post them in my journal on DevArt.:|
I'm getting that union glitch again :x
You know, how it sends you to the 1st page after you post?: |It happened to me a coupke of times last night :x
I hope everyone had a good easter yesterday! :D
We played Wii Sports last night, but as I was playing tennis with Marc, he got a mingraine.:(
I couldn't go to sleep last night due to his coughing.
But eventually, I slept.:|
He's fine now though ;)
Too much chocolate.:P
Today I played Rayman raving abbids TV Party with Dad. I beat him at EVERYTHING. :lol:On that game.:|
But he was a rookie, he had fun.:P
I want to play Sonic Colours NOW! :x
And also....
Type that in your thingamabobbie...TOASTER CAT!:|