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Life As Furniture

In Pokemon Sapphire, I migrated Treecko and the others and started the whole game agin with Torchic! :D

I named it Chicky! :D

*throws pokeball* Yes! I caught Cascoon! :D

And my last PokeBall! :D :cry:

I'll name it.....Fluffy. :P

I'm seeing Falco everywhere. :o

So, now let me exlain the title of the blog. :x

This was originally going to be a comic book series...which I am really good at. :P

I'm making a story called Life As Furniture. Its about Furniture and Appliances! :D And toys...:P goes nothing. *gulp*


"W-where am I?" said the confused computer chair as he woke up."I'm not in another shop am I? I hate transfers!" The computer chair had two eyes on the back support, and a mouth on the cushion of the chair.

"Don't we all?" Said the very old wise cupboard. He was a single cupboard, with a very grey moustahce, a monocle, and a unobrow. His eyes seems to be closed all the time."Stanley's the name, stupidity is NOT my game!"

"W-what?" said the still confused computer chair.

"Haven't you realised yet? You're in a home! What's your name, young lad?"

"And old-folks home?"

"Nah, a family home."

"Oh, ok, I'm Dexter. W-wait....did you say I am in a family home?"


Dexter the computer chair fainted.

Two hours later, Dexter woke up.

"Is he okay?" said Mother, the single bed, with a nice pink pillow as a hat and her mattrress as her mouth. The eyes were on the matress too.

"He better be," said Stanley.

"W-what's going on?" Dexter said while he woke up..only seeing a blurry vision of his new aquaintences.

"You're awake!" Said the Doraemon plushie, which was a toy of a very popluar manga blue character in Japan.

"You mean this wasn't a dream?"

"Nah. Welcome to your new home Dexter! Come meet your new friends!"

"Cool...but no one is going to cut me open for Quarantine are they? Unless they already have...."

"Don't worry, you didn't go overseas! In fact, you stayed here in your hometown Lismore, NSW Australia!"

"Well, thats good. W-wait....what did you say about new friends?"

Then a giant purple beanbag pushed in front of Stanley. Her tag was ripped off, and she only had a mouth. But she could hear.


"Enough with the opera, please!" begged Mother. "You'll wake the young ones!"

"Oops..sorry if you can't stand my brilliance...well, my name is Mona. As you may know, I have an exceptional singing talent!"

"Nice to meet you." Said a worried Dexter, feeling not nice at all.In fact, he was scared of Mona. Probabaly due to the high risk of him being deaf.

"And I'm Mother," Said the nice bed. "People call me that because I take care of everyone here. Its a pleasure to meet you, Dexter!"

"And to you too." He seemed much more comfortable when he met Mother.

"She ma be old, rusty, uncomfortable and lost a few springs, but she is a really nice lady with a mother's heart," Exclaimed Stanley.

Mother blushed. "Oh Stanley!"

"And who might you be?" Dexter asked the little Doraemon plushie.

"I'm Doraemon! Here to help!"

"Okaaaayy.... so, where are the appliances?"

"Oh, we only make friends with the ones in here, like the stereo and the computer," exclaimed Stanley.

"Ah, yes the ones in the kitchen! They aren't really kind to us at all!" continued Doraemon.

"Why not?" asked Dexter.

"They think they own the place when the beings are gone." Said the computer in a deep voiceas he turned on, which was named Saffron. He was blue, with frangi pani stickers on the corner of the monitor. His face was on the monitor was well. Unlike the other household furniture, he had a nose."My name is Saffron. Happy to meet a new friend!"

"'re a guy?"

"Oh, I'm a male but I was bought by a female being and....well...yeah." Beings was a term, meaning humans.

"Well, thanks everyone for making me welcome!" Though Dexter never felt welcome with Mona being around.

"Its nothing! Really!" Said Doraemon happily. "Uh oh, the beings are here. Everyone in thier positions!"


So, there it is. I hope you all like it! :D

I wonder what the "Beings" will be like!

Oh, note that this is set in 2010. I was gonna do 1998 but I wanted to put the Nintendo DS in there somewhere so...yeah. :P

Apparenlty, everyone...even males...started life as females. :|

