Yep :P
I feel meh real blog :|
Okay, school info time! :D
Oh, hello :)
Okay, first up, we made placemats for the elderly :) with was called Zendala or something :|
Then, Lunch :|
Then, while my friends were at the beach (I've already gone) :P I went to athe SOSE Trivia challenge! :o
I was in a team, we were called We are So Fly! 8)
We won the first round 9/10....we only didn't know a question about Nero. The rest were easy, especially this one:
"Which NRL team does Russell Crowe own?" 8)
But they spelled Russell's name wrong! :x
We came second overall...the team Supercase came first...well duh....they are smart :roll: :P
I got a Santa sticker (we wore purple :| ) and a ginat bendy pencil :D
But I could've got an ice block :|
I also got a Christmas pencil as a pressie from the support services! :o :D
Oh...if any of you heard about the Wikileak about Kevin udd called a control every interview on tv...he's been saying "Its likes water on the back of a duck" He said it numerous times...even dave Hughes noticed it during The 7PM Project! :lol:
Kevin Rudd's response? :|
Quack Quack Quack :lol:
Kevin Rudd is funny :P
I am very bored :|
I know! I'll go watch the D-generation! :D
Goodnight! :D