Hey, I'm currently downloading Trend Micro Titanium Maximum Security 2012 for free.:D
Today was super fun.:D
Not many people were at school.:| Probably only 100-300 students came.:|
There were a few reasons though. Some classes had excursions and other students just didn't go becaus they were too lazy.:| I had Maths first, and our school barely had students. It had some people I knew and my friends. So we went to next door, which barely had students too, and we measured items and did math stuff.:|
In SOSE, we went on some sites to learn about maps and mapping. Then we had some free time. I just used Pivot Stick Figure.:P
Another one of my friends discovered YGOTAS. She finds it hilarious. It seems like she wants to share it with the world.:|
Then, something random happened. My Science teacher was wearing a pirate mask and started to talk like a pirate. I just cracked up. :lol: He gave out flyers for Talk like a Pirate Day and it shows how to speak like one. Later I asked why he was so into it, and he pretended I was going insane and he didn't know anything about it, when he had the mask in his hand.:lol:
In Art, we did some painting. Since the annoying students weren't here it was peaceful, Very peaceful.
In English we went on computers to research on our famous Australian for our speeches. Of course I'm doing Rove McManus, so I hvae to mention his early shows and his new one. I couldn't help but mention some of his segemnts, like What The?! and 20 seconds for 20 dollars. :lol:
I just left this blog for an hour because I was eating dinner.:|
Great, I have to restart my computer to get this Trend Micro thing going.:|
West Balmain Tigers VS New Zealand Warriors.
I can't choose. :cry:
I have 2 followers on Tumblr! :shock:
So, yep. School is over for now. 2 weeks of freedom.:D
And sleep. Plent of sleep. 8)
Oh goodness I'm lazy.
I guess I better go. I have to restart this computer and upload some screenshots I took.
I want these so badly!