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Quick Attack

I was thinking what it would be like in the Final Fantasy world. Then the Imagination Box came.

*hops in Box*

*gets killed by Sephiroth* :|

Sorry, I just really like Final Fantasy at the moment! :P

Brawl in The Family did a hilarious April Fools joke! :lol:

A note saying they were shutting down. :P

It says Waluigi hates it so yeah. :P

I found something from BiTF!

I have been trying to hatch my egg in Pokemon for ages! :cry:

Don't worry, its not a Bad Egg, because its going to hatch soon! :)

It just hatched! :o

KILL THE PSYDUCK! :twisted: :|

I have been argueing with Munch for quite some time now. :x :lol:

My Grovyle is using Quick Attack a lot :|

Because Asorb keeps on getting Disabled! :x

My Avy should've changed to Aeris...again! :P


I was just walking in the grass training my Grovyle and Loudred in Pokemon Paerl when a Seviper just appeared! :shock:

I use a great ball.

It wiggles,

it wiggles,

it wiggles,

I CAUGHT IT! :shock: :D

Let's's male. I shall call it......

Daisuke! :D

Dunno why, so don't ask. :P

I have been wanting a Seviper since..forever! :D

:D :D :D :?


*walks down road* Hey look a sign! :D



Today's New Wave music is wierd. :|

I have been listening to radio lately, which I haven't done since last year :P and I'm starting to listen to different station now! :o

I had KFC for dinner tonight. :P

I didn't eat any meat. :D

I was tempted though. :P

All I had was chips and Potato & Gravy. :)

And Mountain Dew! :D

Yahoo! Mountain Dew! :D :|

Another Psyduck! :o KILL! :evil: :P

Hey look, another sign! :o

left or right

Maybe that would work with a mirror. :P


Sometimes I get mad with power. :|
Fine then, I ALWAYS go mad with power. :P

I was watching Back To The Future on Sci Fi channel today. :D

Even though my Dad has the whole collection on DVD. :P

Stupid Bidoof, just die already! :x :|

Yes, he died! :DOk, he just fainted. :(

Back To The Future was on Disney Channel once for some reason. :|

I have no idea why. :?

Another sign! :o


But I don't smoke. :|

I'm only 14! :P

Yeah, I said it! :x :|

I seem to get more confident lately as the years go by. :|
DIE PSYDUCK! :x Yes! 8)

I should stop now. :P

But I won't. :|

Nintendo are making too many DS's.

It would funny if they made the...

yeah right


What the? :P

deja vu?

Remember the cat? :P


Did I say it hatched earlier? :o

I lied. :|


Finally, it what to yell at? :?

Oh yeah! :D


Well, seeya! And a late Happy Easter Saturday!

Because I live in Australia and as soon as I get back on GS tomorrow, it will be Easter Sunday. :P

