I meant to tell you this when it happened but I forgot :P
On Saturday morning, my parents went to the shops. When I locked the doors, I skipped along, but there was w ashing basket. You know, those ones with holes? So, I tripped, my left tiny toe got a deep cut. It was bleeding for a few minutes or so, even after washing it with water. It took 3 bandaids until the bleeding stopped. *Yes, I eat enough Vitamin K*
So, Today it just looks like pale skin peeling with a deep cut. Funny eh?
One day, over my friends house, after finishing wtaching this, after finishing eating my banana, I put the peel behind the chair my friend was sittong on, and when she saw it she yelled "Dramactic banana!" :lol:
I have been playing Aladdin on my Sega lately, its addictive :lol:
Cave of Wonders is so hard though :?
The furherest I got to was the fiery place :D
I have a new character for my comic! Its a F called The letter "F" :|
And there's PacMan! :lol:
Keef as Kari? Thats just....creepy :|
Oh, and about my comic, I made a comic stip already. Its called Pickle Tails
I can't scan it at the moment
Dick Smith was on tv last night! :o
nd Julia Gillard was on tv tonight
One day, under an apple tree, my head was hit with an apple. Which gave me the idea of....THE FLUX CAPACITOR! :o
Wait.....wrong person.....:P
No fishing in the toilet? :o :P
Oh, now to tell you my fave games THTA I OWN on different systems
Sega: Sonic 2 and Aladdin
N64: Tetrisphere
XBOX: Kung Fu Chaos and Sonic Mega Collection PLus
DS: Kirby Super Star Ultra
Wii: SSBB and Mario Kart
Atari 2600: Frogger and Ghostbusters
PC: Sonic R and Worms World Party :|
You know whats funny? I own a lot of PC games, like Nickledeon games, and they aren't on GameSpot! :P
Now, to tell you the truth, I don't know hwere Munchgun is. I'm worried. But I don't think anything bad has happened to him. If something did, tit would be on my FaceBook page, I think ;)
Wow! :lol:
Hey, guess what I learned on God Game:SP! :o
When the wii is connected to the internet *orange light* while switched off. if you hold the button for 6 seconds, its turns back to the red light! :o
I think that means it disconnetcs the internet too :|
He had a pratice lockdown today at school :|
But, apparently is was gonna be a prctise fire drill, but it was raining :|
Yes now with mail capabilities 8)
Well, goodnight! :P