Me and my brother are having so much fn with WarioWaremooth moves! :lol:
This was my fave part:
My brother liked that :P
I stayed up late just watching him :P
He's ahead of me! :x Thats okay :)
He likes the game I got him! :D
I still have to play NiGHTS though :P
I love the randomness in the microgames! :lol:
My brother absolutely loves the games! :lol:
But guess what? :|
He likes Ashley. :|
New pokemon:
Okay, the title of the blog says one thing:
I started school today :|
I saw my friend, but she told me that her grandafther died :(
hen I had maths.
Well, I had RAS first to get my timetable but I bet no one knows what RAS is :P
Then HPE :|
Then morning tea :P
Then Manual Arts :D
Then Lunch :D
THen Science! :D
We used a veandegraaff! :D
A what? :|
My teache deliberalty zap 3 students at once 2 times :lol:
Spiky hair :P
And they controlled water due to the elctricity without touching it! :o
It was awesome! XDBut I didn't have a go :|
What smells like browNies? :|
I mean the food, not...oh whatever :P
Wrll, actually I'll be playing Smooth Moves :P
Seeya! :D