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So Much Memories

No, not another part of the story :P

Last night, my parents watched Watchmen while I watched Spirit:Stallion of the Cimarron. I've seen it before, but it made me cry! :cry:

After Spirit finished, I could still heear Watchmen :roll:

But today, while playing with my Nerf gun, my dad called me out.


It was so cute :)

After w hilw, it trie to get out, we offered it some aple and guess what?

It hid behind a cabinet :roll:

I hope he/she comes out soon :)
I'm positive that its a she :P

Anyway, and I had to go through sorting out a crate of my stuff to make the shed tidy :x

But it was stuff from YEARS AGO!
Preschool scrapbooking, daycare t-shirts, primary school handwriting, Christmas cards, photos, my old library bag...a diary.....
So, I decicded to keep most of the stuff. Why? For memories, plus most of the books have spare pages of paper so I can draw! :D

yes, I threw out a lot of stuff :P

Now, what I am going to type now is what I wrote in my diary when I was in Grade 3 :P

NOTE: IF THERE ARE SPELLING ERORRS, THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THERE. I AM TYPING EXACTLY WHAT IS IN MY DIARY. Also, afte each entry, I will type my thoughts on the entry. In blue :|

Monday 17th October 2005
On the Weekend
On Saturday My MUM got to hire 3 movies from Video Ezy. she got Tarzan 2,G, Hitchikeers gide to GalaXy,PG and Boogeyman,M. I only watched Tarzan 2. Its awesome and funny. Its about a story when Tarzan was a kid. While the movie was on you caan pusht on the Tarzan Matter oif facts. When something is about to appearer about it that they know like "Baby apes are extrememly cute and fun" "Apes baby"

I honeslty don't remember this. :| I remember watching it though :P
Apes baby? :lol:

Monday 8th August, 2005
On the Weekend
On Sunday my dad was fizing and old console called: "Sega". Only one game worked and that game is "Bubsy" Bubsy is a bobcat. Before I played On the "Sega", I played on the "Super Nintendo" We have there games to play. and those games are: Supar Bomberman, Mortal Kombat 3 and Super Mario All Stars. I played Super Mario Austars because it had games like Super Mario 1 2 3 and lost levels. I didn't play Mortal Kombat 3 or Super Bomberman because Mortal Kombat 3 has too many blood and violenice. I didn't play Super boman either because it was so boring! Then on Sunday I wanted to play on the Sega but it didn't work this time. So instead I played with my talking doll and my toy bear named Lauren. Every time I talk to my doll, she copys me. I had speggitus for dinner then I watched The Pacificer and Are We There yet? Then I lost Lauren and Found her on Saturday and Sunday.

WTF? I don't have a SNES! Maybe we borrowed it off somebody. I didn't like MK back then. man I must've hated Bomberman :lol: I don't rmember paying All-Stars. Sure this is my old diary? *checks* Yep, its my old handwriting, I remember :| Oh, speggitus is supposed to be Spaghetti

NO date
On the weekend
On Friday night my family and I went to Judy's place in Sarina. I saw my Nan, my Great Aunty Val, Jduy and Alan. I also saw a cute dog named Misey. I liked her but she doesn't like children. She growled at me and every time I walked to her she ran away from me. For lunch, I had ham sandwiches on Saturday and Sunday. I played with my toy rabbit named Brown Bunnie, my toy bear called Lauren and my saddle Club toy horse called belle. I got Belle from McDonalds with facts about Stevie ad I got some stickers with. After dinner I watched a dvd called Barbie as rapunzel>

So, I wasn't a vegetarian back then, big deal. Now, I Do definetly remember this! And the dog Missy now likes me :P

Tuesday 25th October 2005
On the weekend
On the weekdn I played Xbox. The game was WWE Raw! I created two superstars. The first was a male its short name was Dr.PIE? its picther was a bunch of bananas. The second one was huge! It was a female.I forgot her name. Her pitcher was a red apple. In this game there was no blood. Then when I was finished I aske dmy mum if I ca go to my two best friends place. But I couldn't! Then on Sunday night, while extra Beyond Tomorrow and a MOvie as my brother Marcus and I played the Xbox together. We played raw but that was boring. So we played Midnight club 2 we would be a motorbike of a car. if the prson falls off you can ride without the person! I know now how to do wheeleis

Yes, I played WWE Raw, It was th eonly game I could play.Oh, and Midnight Club 2. I wasn't allowed to play Halo :|I remmber when I got it for Christmas, I won for the first and only time ever with Kane. And I didn't know how I did it! Beyond Tomorrow is an awesome show by the way. This is really out of order :P

Monday 26th September 2005

My Holidays
On the holidays my family and I wen tto Bundaberg for the weekend. We lived in the Mathilida Motel. Then one day we went to Linda place. Linda is a friend of my mother's. I played with the two boys that come to :inda's place sometimes. Thier names are Aiden and Stephen. We had so much fun when we had a pillow foght but oem fo us got hurt in the dark! Linda's plae is like a farm. She has seven dog, anmed Buffy, Sandy, Hayley, Baby, Honey, Princess and I forgot the last one. She has one evil cat and two good cats named Angelica and Tiny. She has a rabbit named Snowball. She has hens, roosters and ducks. Theres a bull named Soxy and three calves named Daisy, Bambi and Buck I think and a horsenamed Bud. When a man named Paul and my dad were on motorbikes my dad broke his leg so it took longer than a weekdn staying at Bundaberg. for dad to fix his leg. We lived near the hospital that dad was in and we were near the Fairy Sparkle garden. We went to the zoo and went home without dad. His boss drove dad's car back to Rockhampton.

Yep, I could never forget this moment. Why? Coz dad broke his leg!!! It supposed to be Matilda Motel, and the rabbit is now dead :( 15 years old though. Oh, we live in Bundaberg now :P

If you skipped my diary entry you just missed a small summary of a portion of my life in 2005 :x
You probably skipped it just to see funny pics
*sigh* Very well
Oh, plus that wasn't all of it. I'm just sick of typing for once! :x
Okay, seeya!
