Cool title, eh? 8)
Hey guys. Last night I was listening to my iPod Touch when I noticed something wierd. I was listening to Coldplay's Speed of Sound, one of my fave songs. I noticed something wierd....the music is.....odd. It sounds like some instruments are missing and the voices are a bit too high in some parts. And here's the wierd thing; THIS IS THE ONLY SOING THAT SOUNDS DIFFERENT AND DISTORTED. :(
I even checked it without my headphones and nope, same tune.:(
Why is this song? :cry:
Anyway, I had school today. I missed maths because I had a meeting. I got a free muffin.:D In Food in Focus, I made a Pork Stir fry-but I used tofu instead of pork, because I am a vegetarian. I used onion, bok choy, rice noodles, and some other stuff.:| It is YUMMY! :D
In Science, we barely did any work! :lol: We just talked about Osmosis. And suddenlt the students brought up the discussion of gravity, oxygen, and digging all the way to China!:|
In English...language conventions.:|
Woo, listening to Wierd Al! :D
And Daughtry! :D
I ran with Diesel outside and he tripped me over! XD I got grass all over me! :lol:
I have about $5 left on iTunes now.:|
I wwas bored, so I decided to get Techno Kitten Adventure for free (thanks to kairikh for mentioning it). This game is It has the randomness of Nyan Cat and Robot Unicorn Attack. I mean, come on, a dolphin with top hat and monocle? :lol: FTW!! :lol:
I also bought Wierd Al's song Polka Power from the album Running with Scissors. :lol:
It was $1.69.:|
Also I drew a kitten! :D People keep saying it's cute.:| I call him Snap the Kitten! :x
I shall put him on DevArt, and everyone shall be hypnotised by his adorableness! :x :P
This is an early blog.
Okay, see you.
Arj Barker is in town! :D Too bad I can't see him live, I have no money! :cry: