Hello. I was just watching Yu-Gi-Oh! but I paused it so I can make this blog.
You ought to be very grateful for this blog, because it's ruining my special free time! :x
Actually....I never have free time.:P
My friend at school lent me a Yu-Gi-Oh! video (the one I was just watching). It has the episode where Yami Bakura first appears.
Exam week was over, so he could get on with our normal times. But wait a minute...new timetables? :cry:
Because all of our Term 3 work is finished, we start on Term 4 today.:P
So, I had English first.
We have a new assessment where we pretend we are nominating a famous Australian for an "Australian of the year" award for Australia Day.:|
In Australia! 8)
Sorry. And it has to be PERSUASIVE.:|
I suck at these. -_-
The person can be alive or dead! :o
There was many choices people suggested. Jessica Watson, Simpson and his donkey, John Flynn, Steve Irwin...yeah.
I was thinking "DAVE TAYLOR!" but then I realised that many people go for the Brisbane Broncos so they wouldn't know who he is.
I was thinking...Hamis Andy? Nah, that's two people.
I was also considering Carl Barron.:P
But then it came to me. Rove! Rove McManus!:D
He is a legend, and he's in America for a new show that's premiering this month!:D
Rove LA. 8)
First Rove, then Rove Live, then Rove again, now Rove LA.8)
The commericla for Rove LA is hilarious! :lol:
It looks like the guys on the street are getting out guns, but instead they were Australian flags! :lol:
We watched a video and hardly did any writing.:|
In Maths we just did activities.
In Food Studies we learned about presentation.:|
In Science we drew up a title page for our new unit of work; Earth and Beyond.
We're in Year 9 and still do title pages! :D Heck hyes! 8)
Then, we did some work.
My tv has a blue screen.
I was about to type blue green.:P
Because I paused the video, it is blue.:|
Did you know that thw Bonds Beyond Time movie is going to be ABRIDGED?:D
Here is the trailer. 8)
I nearly lost this blog!
I hit enter, then I clicked on Culture by accident. I clicked back and this blog was still here! :D
I just had another tab open. I clicked something and it disappeared.
I'll screw it up for you.:|
Or video game controllers. I always seem to break them. Or set them on fire.:|
I better go now, I can't trust myself with this laptop anymore.:|