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Those Gamespotters........

So....Craig's funeral was yesterday......

Poor guy. He didn't deserve to die :(

I didn't go, as I don't know him THAT much but we talked a lot. I really hope the best for his friends and family :)

Those........Gamespotters.....who......tickled...I GONNA GET THROWN BRICKS AT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111!!!!!!!!111!!!11!1! :x:x:x:x

Look, I don't know how many facts I have to type, but I got tagged3'll do twenty facts, more than you bargained for eh? :P

I don't have an iPod or mp3, so I don't know what a shuffle is or whatever :|
So, like it or not, this tagging blog has to have facts, because dare I say it again, I don't have any music contraption,as I do not want an iPod.
But if I get tagged again, I will break the wall, and kill........little ants :| Okay????? :x :x :x :x Who cares if I broke the rules????? I don't listen to music a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Understand? No? Yes? No? Then forget it :|

1. Tagging is just a usless contraption that allows people to waste their time, typing blogs about lies, nonsense, secrets and pegacorns :|
2. Pegacorns are real. Here's proof :|
3. I am a brunette
4. Yes I am a girl
5. This is a fact, take it or leave it! :x
6. I enjoy Bundaberg Ginger Beer! :D
7. I like Ice Coffee :P
8. I like throwing bricks at people, and if someone tags ,e 78 times in one day, they get cinder blocks thrown at them :|
9. I enjoy Softball and Rugby League! ;D
10. And walking :|
11. Dogs are better than cats 8)
12. I'm going to change my avy to a spectrobe, most likely Ryza.
14. I have 6 Dark Spectrobes :|
13. Here is the missing 13 fact :|
15.I Liekl pie
16. Most of you know this but.......
17. Tagging is stupid :x
18. I reckon that Munchgun is gone. His internet may have ben disconnected or something
19. I didnb't go to school yesterday, too tired :P
20. 27 is the best number 8)

Now, normally I tag whoever tagged me, like that time with me, RikusGirl6 and Slyfur :lol:
But......I shall tag only.....:twisted:
One person! :|
I got to the blog updates, scroll up and down, and whoever I stop at, whoever is first looked at, is tagged :|

Mwuhahahahhahah! :twisted: :|
nachi_lobo :P
You're tagged This GS user is awesome! So awesome, he's super awesome! :D
Why can't I be awesome?:cry: :P
But he's still tagged :|

Anyway, today, my dad was playing Lego Rock Band for Wii :lol:

We were deciding what his name should be :P

Dad:Maybe I could be Brickney Spears......
Me: Be Brick Astley!
Dad: I'll be Brick Spingfield. won't fit...I will be Brik Springfield! 8)

Dad: Band name....Band name......
Me: Be the Screaming Bon Jovi Midnight Ac/DC Midnight Cold Chisel Europe Foo Fighters Brick Alliance of Tomorrow!
Mum: You're being silly. How about Brick Worx?
Dad: I like it!

And the cutscned were hilarious! :lol:
Snake choking Lego guy :P

I love the intro :P

My dad was singing to The Final Countdown by Europe...
Me: Why not try humming?
Dad: Hmmhhmhmmhmhm/......hey I got 100%
Me; Cheater
Dad: You told me too!
Me I suggested!
No I'm not singing. I sound like a dying animal

When I make my own band...I will be a girl....not Brikney Spears.....Briki Lee? Brain BrickFadden? Taylor Bricks? Brickney Houston? Brickstina Aguliera? Stephanie Brickintosh? Ah....foget it.....anyone want to help? :|

My band is called Brickelback 8)

Come on Rabbitohs! You can do it! You're co-ownerRussel Crowe is looking up to you! :D :P


ok, seeya! :D

Oh, and my avy will be an avy of GIR :P
