You know, I still have to get used to Sonic's voice in Sonic Colours. He has a different voice actor, I think.:|
Random blog title, I know.:P
The start is stuck in my head! :cry:
Jess (Marc's GF) just got me a Kinder uprise! :D
Let's see what's inside*shakes egg*
Wow! :o
I just ate it. It was nice.:)
The toy is a cute little............porcupine thing! :D
With...freakishly large hands.:|
You can strecth its arms.:)
How cute :)
Man, I loved getting Kinder Surprises as a kid.:P
Okay, I hope you liked yesterdays blog. I mean, it was such a dumb question to ask Sonic! XD
Okay I feel lethargic now.:(
All I ate today was Weet-Bix, maltesers, a few poppers, and pizza.
Not much healthy stuff.:?
Anyway, yesterday, I was left alone with Marcus.:|He got his Xbox 360 to the lounge room to connect to Xbox live. He can't read the tiny words on his tony tv, so he had to use the huge tv.:| He wanted to install some updates. And he imported some music from Guitar Hero metallica to be played on Warriors of Rock. When he typed in the code, it says he had to pay, even though it was free.
Then he got an Retro Arcade game collection.:|
For free!:o
There was also a Shinedown pack for GH he wanted to badly................but it costs money.:|:x
Also, Mum got a job, cleaning at one of the hospitals here. She lieks it.:D
But while she was at work she missed out on the Rabbitohs game! D:
So we taped it.:|
I mean, the dragons didn't deserve to win. They were offside, too close, and hurt our players.
We didn't get any points! D:
I just went to say Thank You to jess.
Turns out she got the same one! XD
But she gave it to me.:|
I can't believe she didn't want it.:|
I might make some video game reviews tonight.
Also, I watched Adventure Time.
The piggys in silly costumes WERE evil! :o
And they were allergic to ice cream.:|
I also watched American Dad! today.
Too funny. :lol:
I've been watching YouTube lately, watching funny Pokemon, Simpsons Spongebob, KH and Sonic stuff XD
Also some music too.:|
To think the orginal voice of Brock had his own band.:P
Gosh.....I hate it when i feel lethargic.:
Ibetter go walk my dog tomorrow! 8)
Yeah, the rain is back. -_-
Oh, today I was left alone with Marcus again today. He was playing Pokemon White.
Marcus: I've only had this game for 2 weeks and My Zebstrika is Level 45!
Me: Shut up!
Marcus Crap! A Legendary! Cobalion.
Me: Cool.
He kept rubbing it in my face, but we agreed that if he told me where Cobalion was, I would tell him how to get past the quicksand in the desert.
I sort of helped him.:|
He also gave him 4 Maltesers out of generosity.:)
I caught Cobalion with a nest ball. I called him Surprise.
I'm up to the Elite Four, but their so hard! :x
In other words, I suck at this game. :| :lol:
I'm still sick.
Joey's Rattata! :x