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Typing your username into Google gives you flashbacks.

Argh, I had to restart this laptop again, now I can't remember what the introduction was.

Hello. :|

The other day I typed up 'BlazikenTails64' in Google for no particular reason and it gave me links to Unions posts, blogs mentioning me, of course my own blogs. :|

I had a look at a link to The Playback Union where I was having a conversation with SuperfastSonic and Munchgun. You remember them? Due to an inside joke I nicknamed Superfast 'Broadband' and Munchgun and me had so many adventures! XD Like that time I destroyed his magic house. I think it was a shoe. :| And how Pegacorns actually exists. I now know that they are called alicorns, but I didn't know that then. :|

Oh, and remember the Ninja Kitten Home Skillet Union? I NEVER JOINED. I always posted but never joined! That's right, I was a lurker! And nobody knew! Well, maybe except for Maxwell. (That's Munchgun's nickname, of many).

I also saw a few posts in many unions that people spoke about me! :o Behind my back! :evil: But in a good way. :) :P

Then there was when I met a lot of other people like SFG and Berto and Alondite and sirracannal and Slyfur and Out-Of-Ammo and iowastate and macrules and Asagea and luke and mariostar and CamoBullo and AvatarMan and Tomatoes and and many many more fo you nice users!

Know, if I mentioned you, sorry if I forgot your whoe username. I usually forget the numbers. :P

No, I am not leaving GameSpot. Are you crazy? :|

Just try typing in your username into Google Search. See what you can find. Find an early post that might give you memories. :)

I wonder if Munchgun has Gotten the Bee yet. :P

Today I watched 3 movies. I saw Arrietty, Real Steel and Puss in Boots. All are very good movies. I really liked Real Steel though. :P

Goodbye! :|
