Today was my frist day at school in Grade 9. 8)
Just before Lunch I felt like a Grade Niner :P
We had to organise things for the new year 8's and cla$$es.
After all of that, I only had 3 cla$$es today.:|
First was English.
I got my stuff, then ntoiced somethign odd. These students are in Extension! Suddenyly, my friend sees me and was happy about me in her calss.
Which means harder work, but awesome teacher and a better reputation to a few people.:|
Then, Morning tea. I ate food, yadda yadda yadda saw my friends in Yr 8. :D
Then, maths.. Teacher seems alright, exact same cla$$ from last year's Math :lol:
Then Lunch.
Then, Food in Focus (for me) which is cooking! :D
Great teacher. 8)
We didn't actually do any work all day, just rules and what to do and what not to do.
Then, got home, played tennis with my friends.
My friend hated her high school but now it seems alright to her :D
Haven't done this in a while.